How to add custom badge on collection page for specific products?

How to add custom badge on collection page for specific products?

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Theme: Ari Template

I have already followed the below steps to enable and create the custom badge for my products. 
However, it is still not showing up










Have I missed any steps? and is there anyway to create custom badges for specific styles?

As I am running a site wide promotion soon, I would like to let customers know they will be able to get extra savings to shop the discounted products. 



Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
176 10 33

Hi @tiffanymwc,


You can try using apps on the Shopify App Store by simply searching for "Product badges" and selecting a suitable app. For example, with the Fordeer Product Labels & Badges app, you can follow these steps:


1. Select the "Badges" tab to create your badge.


2. On the Products section, choose the products you want to display labels for.


3. On the "Display" section, select where you want the labels to appear, the Collection Page.


Best wishes.

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Hi @tiffanymwc ,


Request you to refer the below video how you can enable multiple badges on product card and product page with different options for tag position.



Hope this will help...

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