how to add Subscriptions option in homepage on the Featured product?

how to add Subscriptions option in homepage on the Featured product?

Shopify Partner
23 0 1

Hi Please help me

It is working on product detail page but it is not working when I add a featured product on homepage. Please let me know if this is possible and if so then how?

My app 


And my below widget is not working on homepage product



Replies 7 (7)

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@XJoseph You can talk to app support for this issue. They can help you with this easily.

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I spoke to customer support who said:

"Right now the subscription app only work son the product page itself I'm afraid, so you would need to redirect to the product page in order for it to be visible."

Currently investigating if there's ways around this to avoid paying much extra for custom apps... 

Did you find a solution to your case?

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Hi @XJoseph 

Dan here from Ryviu: Product Reviews & QA. 

You can try to add that code to featured-product.liquid file in Online Store > Themes > Edit code.


Best Regards,


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Shopify Partner
23 0 1

Yes i tried but not working  

3 0 0

I spoke to customer support who said:

"Right now the subscription app only work son the product page itself I'm afraid, so you would need to redirect to the product page in order for it to be visible."

Currently investigating if there's ways around this to avoid paying much extra for custom apps... 

Did you find a solution to your case?

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

Hi Baseline, this is old. Our store has a unique setup with a custom build a box, so our add to basket was already custom.

But I was able to integrate the subscription right into any page I want. This may no longer be relevant to you, but for others.


On our now product page


<div id="subsriptioninfo">
<p>Save 20% OFF your 1st order + 5% OFF all future orders. No contract. Cancel anytime. <a class="subscribepopup" href="#">More Info ></a></p>
<select id="frequencyselection" name="selling-plan">
{% for group in my_product.selling_plan_groups %}
{% for selling_plan in group.selling_plans %}
<option value="{{ }}" alt="{{ selling_plan.selling_plan.price_adjustments.size }}">
{% assign subscribename = | remove: ', 5% off' %}
{{ subscribename }}{% if subscribename == 'Deliver every 3 weeks' %} (recommended){% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}


As this is using shopifys code to display, it comes with the subscription ID values on the select options.

As it is a specific product, I used to pass the product to the subscription

{%- liquid
for product in collections.all.products
if == 7447390224613
assign my_product = product



Then in the Javascript was


var choosenFrequency = '';
if ($('#SubscribeSave').is(":checked")) {
choosenFrequency = $('#frequencyselection option:selected').val();


The later


Shopify.moveAlong = function() {
if (Shopify.queue.length) {
var request = Shopify.queue.shift();
var data = {};
if ( {
data = {
id: request.variantId,
quantity: request.quantity,
selling_plan: choosenFrequency,
properties: {
Essences: essenceString,
Price: '£' + boxPrice.toFixed(2),
'Base': choosenBase
} else {
data = {
id: request.variantId,
quantity: request.quantity

Shopify Partner
62 0 7

Hi, the app will display in the Featured Product section on the home page of the Dawn and Refresh theme?
