How to add white background for the sub menu under catalog? - Pipeline Theme

How to add white background for the sub menu under catalog? - Pipeline Theme

115 0 23


- How do I add 100% width for the sub menu under catalog? 

- Set it close to Catalog (there's a big gap) 
Desktop View 

Screenshot 2024-12-23 at 9.22.54 PM.png

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
3529 395 480

Hi @randytheasian 


May I know what sub-menu you are referring to? We can't find it from your front store. 


Could you please share with us the screenshot there?


Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you!


Daisy - Avada Support Team.

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Avada SEO & Image Optimizer - The #1 SEO solution
Shopify Partner
3529 395 480

Hi @randytheasian 


I'm not sure if you received my latest message.


Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you!


Daisy - Avada Support Team.

Please let us know if our reply is helpful by giving it a Like or marking it as a Solution!

Avada SEO & Image Optimizer - The #1 SEO solution