How to Capture an Order but not Payment Info on initial Checkout Screen?

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I am selling closing gifts for Real Estate companies. I would like my Real Estate clients to be able to submit orders for their customers but not have to pay for/ship them until their customers close on their new home sale. This could be up to 30 days later. The issue I am running into is that I can set up my shop for Manual Payments, but it states that Shopify only allows authorization periods within 7 days once an order is placed - so I would need to invoice within 7 days to not incur additional fees. This is too short of a window for me. 

I would love for my Real Estate clients to be able to submit an order with all their pending closings for the month and I then invoice them at the end of the month once they have closed the sale. 

Is it possible for me to set up my shop so that I can capture clients' orders, but receive payment up to 30 days later via an invoice?
Ideally I would like to set up my shop where a client can submit their order but not input their payment info on the initial checkout screen, is this even possible?
I would then capture their payment info once I send them an invoice. 

Thanks in advance for any help. 

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