Re: how to change column card background

how to change column card background

40 1 8

How do i change this set of column cards in my multi column only in this section to  F5F9FC

Screenshot 2024-06-30 at 15.21.55.png

Replies 12 (12)

180 26 40

Hi @deluc004, thank you for posting here!

You can follow my instruction below:

1. Go to Online Store -> Theme -> Edit code.
2. Open your Assets -> base.css, paste the code below on the bottom of the CSS file:


.custom-section .column-card {
    background-color: #F5F9FC;

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40 1 8

Hi, it does not work

180 26 40

Hi @deluc004 , thank you for reply!

If it does not work, you can follow another my instruction below: 

1. Go to Online Store -> Theme -> Edit code.
2. Open your Assets -> base.css, paste the code below on the bottom of the CSS file: {
    background-color: #F5F9FC !important;


If my answer is working for your store, please let me know by accepting Solution and giving Like !!!

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40 1 8

still do not work

Shopify Partner
9846 2341 2936

Hi @deluc004 

Check this one. 

  1. From you Admin page, go to Online Store > Themes.
  2. Click the Customize.theme this one located on the home page > find this multicolumn section and click.
  3. After you clik the multicolumn section there will be right tab visible. Scroll down until you see the Custom CSS. 
  4. Paste the code below. 
  5. Must be look like this. 
  6. Made4uoRibe_0-1719762630015.png


.section-template--19696351379723__multicolumn_8y7Abh-padding .multicolumn-list__item {
    background: #F5F9FC;
    padding: 20px 0;


  • And Save. 
  • Result:
  • Made4uoRibe_1-1719762678341.png

    Note: This background will be shown on this multicolumn only. 

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40 1 8

Screenshot 2024-06-30 at 16.55.27.pngthis as the error, but does nto work

40 1 8

It's because you are on the home page and i want to change it on this page instead -

Shopify Partner
9846 2341 2936

Oh, Sorry Ive got confuse. Replace on this code then. 

.section-template--19696351543563__multicolumn_aBhqy3-padding .multicolumn-list__item {
    background: #F5F9FC;
    padding: 20px 0;

And Save. 




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40 1 8

Screenshot 2024-06-30 at 17.25.36.png

No result 😞

Shopify Partner
9846 2341 2936

Did you paste on the custom.css on the edit theme? did you save after pasting?


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This is Noah from PageFly - Shopify Page Builder App


Hi @deluc004  Please add code here to fix it:

Step 1: Online Stores > Themes > Edit code

Step 2: Choose file theme.liquid
Step 3: Add code above the tag </body>



#shopify-section-template--19696351379723__multicolumn_8y7Abh .multicolumn{
  background: #F5F9FC !important;



Hope my solution will help you resolve the issue.


Best regards,

Noah | PageFly

Please let me know if it works by giving it a Like or marking it as a solution!

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40 1 8

Unfortunately this did not work either