How to get the original price of the product if the price is affected by a catalog discount?

How to get the original price of the product if the price is affected by a catalog discount?

Shopify Partner
1 0 2

We using a B2B store.
Each user might have a company and it can have a catalog that provides the ability to set price rules.


To print prices we use:

{{ price.product | money }} 

and it returns an already discounted price by rules.

But we want to show the user the original price of the product as a "Retail price" placeholder.

--- EXAMPLE ---

Let me provide an example. 

Let's say I have created a new product with 100$ price.

We also have a customer for whose company was attached the catalog with rules for example 25% discount for all products.


So when the customer login into our website he will be able to see the updated price - 75$.


I want to display the original price of the product near to price for this user. 

‘retail price: 100$ and current user price 75$'

Screenshot 2023-10-21 at 11.36.56 AM.png

to display the current price we use:

{{ product.price }}

and it shows 75$ instead of 100$ as expected because it was affected by the catalog rule.

Does anyone know how I can get access to the original price? we also have a lot of products with variations. 

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

Hello, were you able to resolve this somehow? I'm facing the same issue...

Thank you!

8 1 1

Did you find a solution? I'm facing the same issue...