How to manage a store with thousands of products

How to manage a store with thousands of products

2 0 1

I am starting a new Shopify store that I am migrating over from Magento. The store will have thousands of products. I am seeking advice from anyone who has a large store. The products will be available on the front end by search but on the backend, how should I organize them? Should i put them in groups? Any advice appreciated. Thanks!

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Hello ,hope you are doing well? 

Grouping your numerous product can be difficult and time consuming ,especially when migrating over magneto. You need a well navigation on your product so that your customers can easily locate them and that they may also trust your brand or product whenever they decide to buy from you.

Shopify Partner
33 3 13

Hi Emueck. I hope this solution helps


  • Sort by manual order selection.
  • Sort by best-selling products.
  • Sort by highest to lowest prices.
  • Sort by lowest to highest prices.
  • Sort by alphabetical order from A to Z.
  • Sort by reverse alphabetical order from Z to A.
  • Sort by newest to oldest date.
  • Sort by oldest to newest date.


Instead of grouping all similar products into one place like a simple collection, you can categorize and create many smaller-scale collections to dive deeper into the structure of products.

For example, you can create multiple T-shirt collections based on its types like Active T-shirt, Basic T-shirt, Premium T-shirt, Graphic T-shirt, Croptop T-shirt, etc.

You can also tag each product with its size or weight like Large, Medium or Small. Size tags such as XS, S, M, L, XL are also common choices. The tags help both customers and store owners to find their desired items faster. 


If you need assistance on the organization of the products in your store, I can be of further help


Kindly like

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Hi and thank you for your advice. My question is mainly about the back end of the store. Not what the customer sees. I can't just have a list of 5,000 products. Are you saying to tag them and group them without putting those groups on the menu?

Shopify Partner
33 3 13

Hi Emueck! I think I understand what you mean now. 


You need to create Collection for Each category of your products


E.g. For a fashion store Collections are Women Men Accessories Jewelry New Releases


Then you can have categories Under Women e.g. Denim, Tops, Dresses , Swimwear etc


From your Shopify admin, go to Products > Collections.

Click Create collection.

Enter a title and description for the collection.

In the Collection type section, click Manual.

Click Save.


In the Products section, search for products or click Browse, and then add the products that you want to have in the collection.

Set the sort order for how you want the products to be sorted in your store. For more information about sorting, see Change the sort order for the products in a collection.


Optional: The Search engine listing preview section shows a preview of how the collection will be displayed in search results. If you want to edit this information, then click Edit website SEO. You can't change the URL and handle, because they are used to link the collection to your online store.

In the Sales channels section, click Manage to select the sales channels where you want your collection to be available.



Add a link to your collection in your online store navigation so that customers can find and view the collection.


Add products to a manual collection

From your Shopify admin, go to Products > Collections.

Click the name of the collection that you want to add products to.

In the Products section, search for products or click Browse, and then add the products that you want to have in the collection.


Add a product to existing collections from its details page
You can add a product to one or more existing manual collections from the product's details page.


From your Shopify admin, go to Products.

Click the product that you want to add to a collection.

In the Collections section, select one or more existing collections.

Click Save to add the product to all the selected collections.

Remove products from a manual collection

From your Shopify admin, go to Products > Collections.

Click the name of the collection that you want to update.

In the Products section, click the x beside every product that you want to remove from your collection. This doesn't delete the product from Shopify.


Now I hope this helps. If it does kindly like and accept solution




P.S: Need further assistance, send a private message😊

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Very complete answer, follow these instructions.
