How to place/have option of 3D motion photo as image banner

How to place/have option of 3D motion photo as image banner

6 1 1

Hi everyone, here! 


I am in the middle of a rebrand and I have a 3D motion photo that I would like to have as a banner on my site's landing page. I can't figure out how to get the Shopify widget to accept the image. Any ideas?

I tried making a youtube video and then adding it but the YT vid is so small and I can't/don't know how to adjust the size. I would prefer an image banner or banner of some sort. 




(I have the MP4/3D file as well)


I appreciate any help! Thank you! 🙂 

Reply 1 (1)

276 39 42

Hi ZeusTeck

You can switch to PNG, JPG, or SVG format.


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