How to prioritise specific products in search results?

How to prioritise specific products in search results?

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It's a bit less straightforward than this, but I want to prioritise certain products so they show first/before the other products when a simple search term is used on our site.


For example, if my product is 'Nike Blade Running Shoes', I have the tag 'Nike' added to the product for search visibility. I also have products named 'Air Max (Nike)', which also have Nike as a tag for the search function.


When a customer searches for Nike, the results all come up in alphabetical order which is what I want, but I'd like to be able to prioritise some products like 'Nike Blade Running Shoes' to show first in the order of results. Right now, 'Nike Blade Running Shoes' comes towards the end of the results because N comes after A, but because it's a new product, I want it to have maximum exposure and show first.


I also need to do this in liquid files rather than use an app as the search function I am looking to change is custom-coded.


Does anyone have any idea how I would go about doing this?

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