Re: How to remove "collections" and "products" from URL?

How to remove "collections" and "products" from URL?

7 0 3

Hello everyone. I want to make my store`s URLs shorter and more understandable for Google.

Right now it looks like that: domain/collections/category/products/product

I want to remove "collections" and "products" steps from URL to make it just domain/category/product.

Is this possible?

Replies 13 (13)

Shopify Partner
86 3 22

Hey there,


Unfortunately this is not easy to do. 


Some stores do a complete overhaul of their website by building custom UI/UX that is not dependent on the Shopify out of the box storefront framework. You can build your own routing if you do that, but in the context of the more traditional Shopify store you are restricted to the url structure Shopify provides. 

Alex Dereveanco | CMO @
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2 0 4
Have you solved this I'm looking to do the same
5 0 1

Same here, as per, he says to restrict the url to 2 folders and try to have a url around 50 characters to improve SEO ranking.  Because of the shopify url structure I have up to 3 folders and reach 56 characters before even typing my product handle. 

4 0 2

We would also very much like to see this done soon!


We signed up for Shopify long ago without much knowledge of websites, but have grown greatly since and it now seems we have outgrown Shopify.

This slow implementation of an important and such basic URL structuring shows Shopify does not value their community's needs!


I will reluctantly begin looking for alternatives to Shopify. I hope to hear back with an aggressive implementation date from Shopify on this so we can continue to be partners. 


I am with Impulse Medical Technologies and The Electrode Store.

8 0 7

Has this URL structure or feature been added to remove "products" or collecitons..  I also find it's not very seo friendly and it's creating duplicate urls in the google index for the same product..

Shopify Partner
11207 226 2317

it's creating duplicate urls in the google index for the same product.

It shouldn't be since the page should be adding a canonical url that points to the product page. 

Further reading:

If you think your site isn't adding that then consider posting a store link so the members can take a peek to confirm.


★ I jump on these forums in my free time to help and share some insights. Not looking to be hired, and not looking for work. ★

3 0 1

Have you found the fix for this?

1 0 1

Subscribing to this thread. We want to achieve something similar.


Instead of showing we'd like to show  website/platinum/rings & so on.

2 0 1

Any update? We are using Ella theme 6.4.0 ??!!

1 0 2

Hi, did you have any luck with this? I am trying to do the same. 

3 0 1

Could we get some experts involved in this? This is like top priority, pretty sure everyone has been in this situation. It would be nice to have some support on this topic and ways Shopify can redirect hyperlinks. I tried redirecting but it doesn't look like the theme works or Shopify redirect is broken. It would be nice if we had access to FTP to actually work on this but Shopify is limited. The only people who can change this would be the Shopify workers.

Shopify Partner
8 0 0

Hey, any updates on this here? If we're unable to get rid of /products & /collections in the url, is it possible to replace them with something else? For example for a portfolio replace /products with /projects.

Shopify Partner
460 3 44

Here is the solution to remove /collections  or /products and create a custom URL structure.


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