How to Remove Shopping Cart/Bag Icon from Header Menu

How to Remove Shopping Cart/Bag Icon from Header Menu

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I have been trying to remove the shopping cart/bag icon from the upper right header menu on website but any time I manage to change some CSS code to make it disappear, the rest of the icons suddenly disappear as well. I would like to ONLY remove the shopping cart icon, is there a way to do that?

Link to website:

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
1097 58 112

In theme.css at the very bottom try this

.header__icon-touch a[href="/cart"] {

display: none;


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Shopify Partner
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HI @highfallscanna ,


Add this css on theme.css 

span.icon-button.icon-button-header-shopping-cart {
    display: none;

[data-js-cart-icon=cart] [data-js-cart-count] {
    display: none;


Result: download.png


if this code ia helpful , Mark is accepted 

Thanks And regards