How to remove the play button from a Craft theme video?

How to remove the play button from a Craft theme video?

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I have attempted to use the other answers to this question to remove the play button from my uploaded video on Shopify. I would like the video to play on a loop automatically when opening the website. 


Can anyone assist me in doing this? My website is


Thank you. 

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Hi @cassiaan,

If you want the video to play on a loop automatically, you can go to Theme->edit code, find the video element in file theme.liquid, change it to this code:

<video id='ad-video' controls autoplay loop muted='true'>
  <source src="" type="video/mp4" />

source src is you video link, and note that after the chrome 66 update, you need to set attribute "muted='true' " to autoplay the video

The result can be as the following video:

Remove the play button isn't the right way to make the video running automatically (but if you want :v you can find file name "base.css" then add the code below:


span.deferred-media__poster-button.motion-reduce {
    display: none;


Hope it helps @cassiaan 

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hi this worked but it put the video at the very bottom of the website -