How to resolve persistent blog post link issues on my website?

How to resolve persistent blog post link issues on my website?

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I've been having a persistent issue regarding blog post links that it would be great to have resolved at some point!


Here is the blog post I made in the Shopify blog post editor. The article was written in Google Docs and copy/pasted over - notice the link in the article:

CleanShot 2023-09-29 at 06.16.38@2x.png

Here is how it shows up on my actual website - notice the lack of space before the link:

CleanShot 2023-09-29 at 06.17.20@2x.png


The problem goes away if I delete the anchor text for the link, retype it, and then relink it. But it would be great if I didn't have to do it almost every time I try to post a link.


Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
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To add a non breaking space before an email write this   


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I have this same issue, and don't know how to solve it. Deleting the anchor text for the link and retyping+relinking it does not work for me. In addition, Shopify adds a line break right after some of the links in the blog post, which messes up our formatting as shown below. Some help would be appreciated! 

Screenshot 2024-09-19 3.12.22 PM.png