Re: Buy X get Y bug?

How to set up a buy 5 get 25p off each card discount?

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Hi, can anyone help?  I'm trying to set up a discount so that when people order five or more cards, they get 25p off each of the cards in their order.

I've tried and tried but it doesn't seem to work.  Here's a shot of the setup.

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 18.12.38.png

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 18.13.15.png

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 18.13.27.png

 Can anyone suggest what might be going wrong? Thanks in advance.

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Is there another discount set up in the store? If there are multiple product discounts, only one discount will apply. 

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Thank you, but no I have no other offers running alongside it?

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Can you send the store url? Can you also send the promotional product? let me try.

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I'm trying to create a discount for buying 5 cards for £15 (.25p off each card) can't see what Imdoing wrong n the set up.

Thanks very much for your help.

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216 21 38

The discount applies only if the specified quantity is met. For example, if you set it to 5, the discount will be applied if you purchase 5 items; it won't apply if you buy 4. If this kind of discount is crucial for you, you may want to have it custom-developed by a developer.







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Ah I can see you got it to work for 5 purchases of the same card - is that the problem? Although I haven't been able (I have tried putting the same card in the bag) to get it work for 5 of the same item either.

Basically will it never work across all the card collection?

Thanks so much


Shopify Partner
216 21 38

Yes, the issue is entirely due to that. I've encountered it before as well. If you want it to work completely differently, you can have a custom app developed. Hire a developer.


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Thanks for your help, I will look into other offer types and possibly a developer to work on the specific offer I'd like.

I was really banging my head against the wall so really appreciate your help. Zoe 

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I see. You're welcome. Good luck.

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Hi @gingerzebra As per me you are using the wrong discount to achive this, its should be volume based discount where a user can buy buy 4 products at normal price and when he adds more then 4 products he will receive .25p discount on all the products accoridngly. 

Buy X Get Y Discount will not be applicable here. 

Let me know if you would want any further help from my side. 

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