how to solve by default variant selection problem in dawn theme

how to solve by default variant selection problem in dawn theme

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in dawn latest theme, after clicking the product instead of featured image the default product image is shown, how do i change that

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To solve the default variant selection problem in the Dawn theme (or any Shopify theme), you'll want to ensure that the product page automatically selects the correct variant when a customer arrives. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to solve this:

Check the product's variant settings:

Make sure that your product has variants set up properly in the Shopify admin panel. Each variant should be clearly defined with options (like size, color, etc.).
Modify product-form.liquid or relevant file:

In the Dawn theme, the variant selection logic is usually located within the product-form.liquid file. This is where the default variant is selected and rendered in the form. The variant selection should be controlled by a default value (usually the first available variant).