How to start as a Tree-Planting-Organisation (Non-Profit, Manage Tree Planting, ...)

How to start as a Tree-Planting-Organisation (Non-Profit, Manage Tree Planting, ...)

6 1 2

Hey there,
we initiated a non-profit and want to organize everything through Shopify. Since I´m new to Shopify and it´s not a typical use-case I´m reaching out to the community.


Can anyone tell me how I should structure the Shop in a way that 

  1. We can offer
    • one-time-payments with "Tree-Packages" (e.g. like plant 4 trees for X USD) and
    • membership where the "customer" can be a member of the Non-Profit with a monthly subscription
  2. we have an automatic system that 
    • sends pdf-certificates and donation receipt to the customer
    • tracks how many trees were sold, how many trees are planted and how many trees need to be planted (like a inventory management system)
  3. Customer have an account login, where they can see the trees they bought and/or manage their subscription.

It would mean a lot to me, if someone could help me out here and give me some recommondations for a little kick-start 😉




Replies 2 (2)

2 0 0

I'm a plant expert running my blog site, nursery business, and teaching in an institute and alongwith giving farm expertise to the farmers. i would like to say that you must add location filter so the people can see only the trees of their region and plan further.

2 0 0

I want to create a shopyfy store and sell indoor plants in pots and hanging baskets. These plants have long list and I want to have all the diversity of plants like;

1. Marble Queen Pothos

2. Philodenron Micons

3. Variegated Plants