I Can't Enter the Tracking Number – This Section is No Longer Available

I Can't Enter the Tracking Number – This Section is No Longer Available

14 0 5


When we open an order, there used to be a screen where we could enter the shipping tracking information. However, in the last 2-3 orders, the section where we enter the tracking number appears right after the order is placed, but after 2-3 days, this section disappears.

We’ve done a lot of research but couldn’t find the reason for this. Could this be an error caused by a new update? Does anyone have any information about this? I would really appreciate your help.

I need to enter the tracking number for my customer to track their shipment through the orders section, but this section is no longer there 😞

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
280 22 31


I can help you with this, I'll be needing store access to see where the problem is, also can you please share a screenshot for the order page? so I can review.

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