I can't get in contact with customer support

I can't get in contact with customer support

10 0 2

For some reason I get this issue everytime I try to get in contact with the real customer support on Shopify. I've tried every browser, and even in icognito mode but the problem remains the same. This is driving me crazy. Why is it that everytime I try to ask for real support I'm just getting this message? I've uploaded a video showing my problem: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/4braz8w1imiw2ihsr6293/Shopify-Error.MOV?rlkey=qombjld4sksjkw7yutvvm3i...


Screenshot 2024-12-16 at 15.44.47.png

Reply 1 (1)

866 65 81

Hi @buyloops 


It seems like there is an issue with Shopify support website. Try to use other device and wait for 24 hours then, try to contact them again. It should be working by then.

Please let me know if it works by marking it as a solution!
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