Re: i need to add more than 100 products to my discount codes

i need to add more than 100 products to my discount codes

47 0 3


I want to add more than 100 products to various discount codes on my store but it says it's 100 product limit?  I need to add more than the stated limit

Is there a way to get around this so we can have unlimited

Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
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If you're manually selecting those products/variants - no.

I assume the discount you're creating does work on collections/tags so have you tried that approach instead of manually adding each product? You might find that's also an easier way to manage the products a discount is applied to.

★ I jump on these forums in my free time to help and share some insights. Not looking to be hired, and not looking for work. ★
47 0 3

Yes we have added products manually as we have some variants in those products which have money taken off and didn’t want to further reduce with a discount code. 
map if we added the discount by collection that would be easier? But what do I do with the items in that collection which we don’t want to include? 

3 0 0

Did you ever get an answer for this?  I have more than 100 products and I would like to offer individual discounts on each product.  


1 0 0

I ended up creating an 'All Products' collection. This allowed me to select the single collection category and create a product discounts for 100+ skus.