Re: Instagram/Facebook Shop showing incorrect Price

Instagram/Facebook Shop showing incorrect Price

3 0 3

Hi there,

I have connected both Instagram/Facebook to the only catalog with products(3700+). However they have all got the wrong price(the suppliers cost) instead of my retail price.

I’ve emailed the support team but only got a unhelpful email explain how to connect my shop to Instagram/Facebook.

Any help would be appreciated. 

thank you. 

Replies 50 (50)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @NicoleCultureCo

This is Rae from Shopify. Welcome to the Community!

I appreciate you reaching out about the incorrect prices showing on your Facebook and Instagram pages. I'm sorry to hear that our previous email regarding this situation didn't help resolve things, and I understand the need to get these prices fixed. I'm glad to help with this. 

To confirm, are you using 'compare at' prices on your products? If so, it's important to ensure that these prices are all higher in value than the regular product prices, as mentioned here. Having a lower 'compare at' price, and a higher 'price' can cause the lower price to appear on Facebook and Instagram, as these channels will default to display the lowest product price available.

If your products are currently set up this way, then this can be resolved by using the bulk editor to remove the lower 'compare at' values, and ensuring the 'price' fields on all products contain the correct price that customers will be charged. In addition to this, if you'd like to continue tracking your supplier's prices, I suggest using the 'cost per item' field on your products. You can check out more information on setting this up here

However, If you're not using 'compare at' prices, or if these prices are already higher than the values in the 'price' field, please let me know and I'll be happy to take a closer look into this. 

I look forward to hearing back from you with more details and working towards a solution! 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

3 0 3
Thank you Rae I’m not too sure, I’ll have a try and let you know the outcome!
Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @NicoleCultureCo

Thanks for following up.

I'm happy to help out with this, and I look forward to receiving an update once you test out this troubleshooting. 

Talk soon! 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

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@Rae @NicoleCultureCo , hi did you resolve this pricing issue? I've had the same problem after recently adding Insta / FB to my shopify store. I've now removed the Compare Price on all my products, and have setup a new Instagram post, but the prices are still incorrect. My leather products are more expensive than designer textile products. Do I need to create seperate categories in instagram for this to work? Many thanks!!


Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @Kat01

Thanks for reaching out about this. 

To confirm, are the correct product prices showing on your live site, and in your admin in the bulk editor?

Also, are the prices displaying incorrectly only on Instagram, or on Facebook, too? 

Please keep me posted on these details! I'm happy to help out with some additional troubleshooting once I hear back from you. 


To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

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Mine are showing incorrect and i'm not using a compare price. This is such an incovenience as my shops were just fine before coverting to new Facebook shops

2 0 0

I am having the same problem. The price Instagram shop is showing is my cost per item price. How do I get this fixed? Thank you!

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @yellowcurved

Are you using 'compare at' prices to set up your cost per item price? If so, I shared more information on why these lower prices are displayed on Instagram and Facebook, and how to resolve this here: 

It's important to ensure that these prices are all higher in value than the regular product prices, as mentioned here. Having a lower 'compare at' price, and a higher 'price' can cause the lower price to appear on Facebook and Instagram, as these channels will default to display the lowest product price available.


If your products are currently set up this way, then this can be resolved by using the bulk editor to remove the lower 'compare at' values, and ensuring the 'price' fields on all products contain the correct price that customers will be charged. In addition to this, if you'd like to continue tracking your supplier's prices, I suggest using the 'cost per item' field on your products. You can check out more information on setting this up here

Let me know if you're already using the 'cost per item' field instead, or if you're running into a different problem entirely, and I'll be happy to help further! 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

3 0 0

I am having the same issue.  Not using a compare at price.

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @RootedGearCo

Thanks for letting me know. 

Are the prices shown on Facebook the correct price for any of your variants? If so, I suggest following this information that I previously shared: 

If the prices on Facebook are displaying the correct price for your most expensive variant, then I recommend reaching out to Facebook via their Business Help Center for more information on how they display product prices on their end. 

However, if the prices displayed on Facebook don't match any price associated with either your products or your variants, please submit a support request to us via our Help Center. Once we receive your request, our team can help verify your account, and look into this situation further on our end. 


To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

3 0 0
Hi the products themselves are not correct. Facebook still have alot of old
products we had on the site.
Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @RootedGearCo

I appreciate you following up to confirm these details. 

To clarify, have you archived or deleted these old products from your Shopify admin? If not, I recommend double checking the product's availability by following these steps to ensure each old product is not set to available on Facebook. 

Once you've done that, it's important to note that the Facebook channel doesn't delete products outright from your catalog. So, when a product is deleted from Shopify, or made unavailable by following the steps I shared above, it is expected that the products will remain on Facebook, but Facebook will likely classify these products as being in 'staging' mode.

To check if this is the case on your account, please follow these steps: 

  1. Access Facebook Business Manager and view your catalog by following these steps 
  2. Click into one of your old products 
  3. Confirm that the 'item group ID' on Facebook matches your product or variant ID on Shopify
  4. Click 'View more fields' on Facebook and scroll down to see the product's visibility status 
  5. If the product has been deleted, or made unavailable on Facebook, the status should be 'staging' 

If your products are listed as 'staging' here, this is something that Facebook will need to assist with further, as Shopify has already updated the product catalog correctly from our end. To speak with Facebook about this, I recommend contacting them via their Business Help Center

However, if the product status on Facebook is not 'staging', and if you're seeing a different status here instead, please let me know and I'll be happy to help look into this and provide some next steps. 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

3 0 0

Products have been deleted from Shopify. They are not staging on Facebook. They are available for purchase. Also new products added in Shopify are not being added to catalogue for Facebook. 

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @RootedGearCo

Thanks for double checking those details and keeping me posted. 

Since the products have been deleted from your Shopify admin, and because they aren't in 'staging' mode on Facebook, this is something we can continue looking into on our end.

To ensure you get the most efficient support with this, please submit a request with our team directly by visiting our Help Center and logging in to your account. This will help verify your account so that once we receive your request, we can continue lending a hand with this via email, live chat, or through a callback. That way, we can also take a look at why newly added products aren't showing up in your Facebook catalog. 

We look forward to hearing from you and helping further! 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

3 0 3

Hi Rae 

sorry for the long absence I have confirmed I’m not using the compare at price at all. 

still cannot use the correct prices. Help!!

2 0 1

Ciao from Rome, Italy!

I have the same issue. I have connected my Shopify to Facebook/Instagram but the prices being generated or not always the lowest price. Sometime the second price and many times the highest price. What can I do to have it be always the lowest price?

Many thanks in advance for your help, Rae!



Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @WHTW@NicoleCultureCo, and @AnnieOjile

@WHTW and @NicoleCultureCo, thank you for confirming that you're not using 'compare at' prices. I'm going to reach out to both of you individually via email to verify your accounts, and determine the steps needed to resolve this. Please make sure to reply directly back to my email once you receive it so I can help further. 

@AnnieOjile, welcome to this thread, and to the Shopify Community! Are you using 'compare at' prices on your products? If so, make sure to check out the details I shared previously in this thread, such as:

To confirm, are you using 'compare at' prices on your products? If so, it's important to ensure that these prices are all higher in value than the regular product prices, as mentioned here. Having a lower 'compare at' price, and a higher 'price' can cause the lower price to appear on Facebook and Instagram, as these channels will default to display the lowest product price available.

However, if you aren't using 'compare at' prices, please let me know and I can certainly help take a closer look into things! 


To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

2 0 1
Ciao Rae!

Many thanks for your email!

I'm not using "Compare At" pricing in my shop because I'm not currently
running a sale. The problem is that the products on my Shopify site that
populated in the Facebook & Instagram Shops are showing the largest item
available at the highest price, as opposed to the entry price-point which
should be the default. I currently only have the price and description
fields in the product catalogue.

Can you help me with that?

I hope so!

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I have the same issue with products that have variations.

The highest price is always shown which often will put people off even clicking on a product.


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hi there.  did you ever find out from Facebook what was causing the issue?


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No. I just simply corrected the prices one by one on FB. Hoping it won’t be overwritten automatically by Shopify once again. May be an issue between Shopify and FB when sync’ing.
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Got it. Thanks for letting me know

3 0 0

Hi Valcsizoli, 


Did you figure out a solution to this? I don't see how to correct the prices on FB. I tried to Archive the more expensive variants but the feed from Shopify just overwrote those changes. 



Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @AnnieOjile and @Zingaboo

@AnnieOjile, I appreciate you getting back to me with these details. @Zingaboo, thank you for reaching out and joining this thread. 

@AnnieOjile, can you tell me a bit more about what you mean when you say items are showing "at the highest price, as opposed to the entry price-point"? Are you using variants on your products to set up these price differences, as @Zingaboo mentioned?

If so, on both of your accounts, are the prices shown on Facebook the correct prices for your most expensive variant? Or, are the prices on Facebook more expensive than any of your variant prices? If the prices on Facebook don't look correct at all, please let me know. 

However, if the prices on Facebook are displaying the correct price for your most expensive variant, then I recommend reaching out to Facebook via their Business Help Center for more information on how they display product prices on their end. 

Keep me posted!

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

1 0 1

I think I may have worked out what the issue is.

Facebook seems to take the last modified variant from the Shopify feed and always displays that variant first.

Is there a way to alter the feed so that the last modified variant is always the cheapest, or does that have to be done by hand.

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @zingaboo_mfy and @JJJ31

@zingaboo_mfy, thank you for this information! If the price shown on Facebook is the correct price of one of your variants, then it's best to contact Facebook directly to find out how they display product prices on their end, and why they display the price of a particular variant. You can reach out to Facebook about this via their Business Help Center

@JJJ31, can you please confirm if the prices shown on Facebook are the correct prices for any of your variants? Or, are the prices on Facebook completely incorrect, and don't match any of your variant prices? 


To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

3 0 0

Same problem here. Compare price is higher because actual price is sale price. However, Facebook displays the compare/higher price.

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Looking at the full details of my products on FB, I see prices are mapped correctly (price and promotional price), however, I also see two additional fields "promotion starting date" and "promotion ending date".

In my case, both dates are set in the past.

I don't know how these fields are set. Googling I found this article from Facebook

It talks about the possibility to enable promotions on your shop, however, this functionality is available just in the US.

I wonder if this could be the reason why FB is not showing the promotional price.

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @oliver27

Thank you for reaching out and sharing all of these details with us. 

It sounds like your 'compare at' prices are set up correctly, as they are all higher in value than your regular product prices, which is great. 

However, since the 'promotion starting date' and 'promotion ending date' on Facebook's end are both dates that have passed, and since the 'compare at' price is showing on your Facebook page currently, I do recommend reaching out to Facebook directly for more information on this. You can contact them through their Business Help Center here. Once you do this, they should be able to help look into this pricing further. 

Please keep us posted on how this goes! 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

3 0 0

Thanks @Rae , I did reach out to FB already.

This is what they replied:

"To be able to sync prices, this would depend on the data entry you have for your Catalog. If you use a Data Feed File you would need to include the following fields below to your Data Feed:
- sale_price
- sale_price_effective_date"

I think the last field is missing/wrong from the Shopify feed.

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @oliver27

I appreciate you following up with these details, and speaking with Facebook about this. 

I'd like to help look into this catalog information further, so I'm going to send you an email to authenticate your account. Please reply directly back to my email once you receive it so we can proceed with the next steps. 


To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

1 0 0

Hi @Rae 

I am having this issue also. My 'Compare At' prices are all higher than the regular price and each variant in a listing are all the same price (so no issues with different price points). I went through and removed each listing from publication in Facebook via the bulk listing editor, saved this step, then reactivated the listing in Facebook and saved the step. All listings I put on sale a number of months ago are listing at the 'compare at' price on Instagram, but listings that were given a new 'compare at' just last month aren't updating despite the steps listed above. I simply share my Instagram posts to Facebook and it's the same issue when post publishes to Facebook. I hope you can help! Thanks, Liz

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @trusoleather

Thanks for reaching out. 

I appreciate the details you shared about your 'compare at' prices. It does sound like you're using these prices correctly on your site, so I'd like to have our team look into this further to help confirm why your current product prices aren't showing up on Facebook. 

We'll need to authenticate your account to get started with this, so please visit our Help Center, log in to your account, and submit a support request with us there. That way, our team can verify your account and discuss this situation with you further via live chat, email, or through a callback. 

Talk soon! 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

2 0 0

Hello @krae 


Im having the same issue a few people mentioned that Instagram & Facebook are displaying the highest varient price and detering people from even viewing the item instead of the lowest price. Has there been an update on how to correct this?

FnA Stark Customs LLC
3 0 0

All the product info and prices on all my variants are correct in Shopify and my store, but Instagram Shop just randomly shows a different variant for each product and it's usually one of the most expensive variants. 


Meta support has not been helpful at all and they just refer me back to Shopify. 


Is there a way to disconnect the auto Shopify feed and allow me to manually add products one by one? 



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Hi Zingaboo_mfy,


Does that still work to modify a variant so that's the one that will show up on Instagram Shop? I tried that but it didn't seem to work. The product variant it shows for each product are all over the place and mostly the most expensive variant.


Or did you figure a different / better work around? 


Facebook Support has been no help at all. They just refer me back to Shopify. 


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Hey guys @AnnieOjile @Zingaboo

Could you solve this issue? Im having the exact same problem.



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Same here - been trying for hours to fix this

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Hi Rae,

I have a same issues as above  and don't use compare at price at all.

Would you be able to have a look in to it?


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Hey there!

I'm having the same issue, but some prices are showing on FB Shop as if they had a discount but they are now full prized:



Why can this be happening?

I'm having complaints from customers.

Hope you can take a look to this issue because I manage several stores with shopify and I'm afraid I'm gonna be having a lot of complaints regading this.

Many thanks!




Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @carirou

Thanks for reaching out with these details. 

Are you using 'compare at' prices on your products? I previously shared more information in this thread about how these can effect product prices on Facebook and Instagram. You can read over this here: 

To confirm, are you using 'compare at' prices on your products? If so, it's important to ensure that these prices are all higher in value than the regular product prices, as mentioned here. Having a lower 'compare at' price, and a higher 'price' can cause the lower price to appear on Facebook and Instagram, as these channels will default to display the lowest product price available.

Please keep me posted! 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

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Hi, I’m not using the compare at prices and it’s still reflecting a lower price

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @Egoswim

Is this happening on products with variants? If so, and if the price displayed matches one of your variant prices, then I suggest checking out this information that I previously shared for some next steps: 

If the prices on Facebook are displaying the correct price for your most expensive variant, then I recommend reaching out to Facebook via their Business Help Center for more information on how they display product prices on their end. 

However, if the product prices showing on Facebook's end don't match any of your variant or product prices, then please submit a support request to our team via our Help Center using this link. That way, our team can verify your account, and help look into this further. 


To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

1 0 0

Hello Rae, I literally have the same issues as everyone else per se. This has been going on for over 12 months for me and it is becoming an issue for my business with no idea how to fix it. It is very simple. When I launched my business my price was £6.95 per product. Our RRP is now £8.95 for all products. There are NO price variants. Our facebook shop and Shopify product prices are correct. Our Instagram shop price remains the same at £6.95 I have logged into the products section of my store. I have unlinked and relinked (6 hours later) the facebook and IG sales channel app. This is clearly not a unique problem to me. Surely after 2 years of people complaining on here you mush have found a solution? Please help. 

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Hello I am also having this issue and Im not using compared prices.  It is at 0.00 but still showing 25.00 is the price on IG/FB when the actual price is 75.00.  It only shows correctly on my website.  Please help with this.  Thank you

2 0 2

Hi, I have the exact same problem: both Facebook and Instagram shops show higher prices than my lowest price on Shopify. It is randomly picking up prices, but they tend to be the higher ones. Thanks for helping out. Zoltan

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @valcsizoli

Thanks for jumping in here. 

To confirm, do the prices shown on Facebook match the prices of your more expensive variants? Or, are random prices - that aren't tied to any variants - showing up on Facebook? 

If the prices on Facebook match the prices of your more expensive variants, then it's best to contact Facebook about this directly, as previously mentioned in this thread:

However, if the prices on Facebook are displaying the correct price for your most expensive variant, then I recommend reaching out to Facebook via their Business Help Center for more information on how they display product prices on their end. 

Let me know if the prices on Facebook don't match any of your variants though, and I'll be happy to take a closer look! 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

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2 years later and this is still an issue 😠

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Yup and ive reached out to shopify so many times with no help. They all just tell me they will put in a request for this to be addressed.


FnA Stark Customs LLC