Instead of Payment at Checkout, I need a Submit Inquiry button

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Instead of having the client make a payment during checkout, I need to have a 'Submit' button instead.


The products I make are made-to-order and never hold inventory in stock.

I need to be able to receive the client's order and avoid charging them instantly through a credit card process

because I have to see if I actually have time to make their order.


Instead of this process:

1. Add item to Cart

2. Checkout Cart

3. Fill out Contact info/Shipping/Billing info

4. Payment through Credit Card

5. Complete order once payment is accepted


I want this process:

1. Add item to Cart

2. Checkout Cart

3. Fill out Contact info/Shipping

4. Submit Inquiry by clicking button that sends me an email with the contact info and items added to cart


How can I do this?

Reply 1 (1)

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Hi @tw-mtl,

Did anyone ever assist you with this issue? I'm in need of the same workaround and was hoping you may have found a solution?
