Is USPS Ground Advantage missing in native Shopify shipping?

Is USPS Ground Advantage missing in native Shopify shipping?

27 0 31

Is it just me or is this a missing option in Shopify native shipping as of yet?  I've checked all of my settings and double checked them.  I don't see it coming up as an option anywhere and everything is still going out first class.  Hasn't been a problem as of yet but I wonder shouldn't this be updated?  Did I miss an announcement?  I see that I can jump on some other shipping apps and get it but would like to stay with native Shopify.


Any help appreciated and apologies in advance if I am just missing something obvious here.


Replies 7 (7)

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I'm having the same problem.  I contacted them on the 10th about a label that was still printed as first class and they said it was still fine because of the grace period.  I don't agree because ground advantage is different and now includes some insurance so they should get on this.  I wont be using shopify for shipping if they don't fix it.  Pirate ship is updated to the new ground advantage. 

Shopify did not give me an estimate or indication of when they will make the switch.  (they should have done it already imo)

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STILL not updated. Shopify shipping is trash. No way to print a simple pick list, CONSTANTLY defaulting to first class MAIL even though I have never shipped a an item first class mail from my shop.  Not updating to new services after a week. 

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I'm in the same boat, I have to switch to Shippo to generate different tags, I do use both .. I'm hoping they "shopify" update sooner than later ... 

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I talked to Shopify support about this today (7/25) and they said:


"USPS Ground Advantage will not be implemented in Shopify until later in 2023."


I reminded them that just about every other 3rd party shipping provider that I checked is already supporting that new USPS offering.  So I'm temporarily using one of those apps.  But it would be a lot more convenient to just buy those labels within Shopify's bulk label purchase interface, which was recently upgraded and has been working well for my needs.

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I also want to add the same features to my Shopify store. Can you guide me regarding this?  I don't want to use any app or plugin due to site load speed.

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They still haven't added it as far as i can tell.