Issue in Track your order page after updating theme

Issue in Track your order page after updating theme

80 0 7


I recently updated my website theme to Dawn 15.02, which caused the custom-coded 'Track Your Order' page to stop functioning properly. I found and implemented new code online, but it hasn't resolved the issue as customers are still emailing for order updates. I'm considering whether to continue using custom coding or switch to a third-party app. Between 17TRACK Order Tracking and Rush ‑ Order Tracking & EDD, which one would be a better option for a free plan to start with?

Thank you in advance for your assistance

Replies 3 (3)

90 9 16

Hi @EagleHunted,


Could you kindly send us your store URL so we can take a look at this issue for you?


Looking forward to hearing from you 🙂

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Hi @EagleHunted 


In your case, it would be a wise choice to consider using a third-party app to simplify the order tracking function. In addition to 17TRACK and Rush, I suggest that you also consider TrackingMore as an alternative.

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TrackingMore provides powerful order-tracking functions, supports more than 1,200 logistics carriers worldwide, and can provide your customers with real-time order status updates. In addition, it integrates seamlessly with Shopify without complex code modifications, which can reduce many of your technical issues and ensure a good experience. It also offers a flexible free plan, which is very suitable for your first use.


Compared with other apps, the advantage of TrackingMore lies in its user-friendliness and rich features, as well as 24/7 customer service, which can help you improve customer satisfaction while reducing your pressure on order management.


Hope this helps you, please click here to check out TrackingMore and start your business journey now.

Seamless and effortless parcel tracking at your fingertips.
The ultimate all-in-one shipment tracking app. Easily integrates with your store and drives repeat sales.
Official Website I TrackingMore Shopify App