Issue with "global.harmonized_system_code" - New metafield without definition

8 0 4

Shopify recently added a new metafield without definition called "global.harmonized_system_code". 

The metafield is difficult to find but can be located on new or updated products via Product -> Variant -> Metafields -> Show all -> Metafields without a definition.

The new "feature" caused us a lot of trouble, since we suddenly had problems with syncing product data across our stores or make export/imports with CSV files or via the Matrixify app.


It doesn't make sense why a variant metafield is now automatically created when the standard HS Code field is used. We have been using HS codes for years, and the issue appeared some weeks ago. We use Postman with REST. Yesterday when we were debugging we saw this error message on both Postman and Matrixify:


So I checked the standard HS Code data, and it was all correct (all numbers were 6 digits). What is the reason a metafield would be created that does not match the standard HS Code? How do we delete this metafield to prevent this issue from happening again? It appears we can't do it through the REST API.

And why does this metafield not appear in Admin/Settings?

Casper H
Replies 6 (6)
4 0 3

This is Mike and I work with Casper. The problem with this new "feature" is that in order to update a metafield with the REST API, you need the "Metafield ID". And it is IMPOSSIBLE to get this ID for 20k+ variant records in 8 different stores. There is no native way to get this with any Shopify download. We have a Matrixify plan, and I can download the metafield value, but NOT the Metafield ID. So unless we want to change 20k+ records individually, we are stuck.


So Shopify is requiring us to update a field, for which Shopify:

1) Does not allow us to download the values or the ID of the field to update it.

2) Requires us to pay a 3rd party to see even see these values.

3) Requires us to find a 3rd party that even allows us to download the metafield ID to change the value, which I haven't been able to find yet.

4) Prevents us from modifying ANY variant or product info unrelated to the metafield (price, color, etc.) using a 3rd party tool (Matrixify) or the REST API, unless we correct this specific metafield that we had no choice in creating in the first place.


Relynjon, thank you for your response, but it's very easy to say "You may need to update your data sync or export/import processes to account for this new metafield." But almost impossible with the tools provided by Shopify and the rules setup around this metafield to actually do this. 


The only way I've been able to even come close to fixing this is to setup 8 different REST API's that go through 20k plus records in 8 different stores to pull back the metafield ID's of all the metafields we have (not just this one), process that information to distinguish between metafields, upload a valid HS Code (not even the accurate one, because we don't have one for EVERY variant we have, and we the system doesn't allow a null value), and only then can we change an unrelated field on that variant (price, color, etc.)


If there is a different option, I'd love to hear it.


8 0 4

Thanks for getting back quickly, 

But as Mike said, there should be a better solution. Looking forward to seeing the reply to Mike's comment.

Casper H
Shopify Partner
304 32 358

Hi @mfrish and @casperhillstrom 


We are in process of solving this in our Slack channel.

The resolution here would be that while you cannot set it to the correct value as that fails in Shopify API, you can set it to empty with an import!

We were able to replicate the issue and test that this solution does work!


The process here would be to import that Metafields column empty which will clear the Metafields values for each Product and thus then you can set it to the correct value.

If there are further issues with this process, best if you could reach out to us in the previously created private support channel in our Slack workspace.


Matrixify | Bulk Import Export Update | |
8 0 4

Hi Renars,

Sounds good about Matrixify; however, we still need a solution from Shopify. We also have a current open support case with them about the issue and are waiting for them to return.


Since the problem is in Shopify, it makes sense that they also get back with an answer and a possible solution. The problem affects many API integrations, including Matrixify.



Casper H
Shopify Partner
304 32 358



Completely agree. We can provide a solution to fix this by importing it empty, but of course, until that is done - any other regular product update will fail thus affecting any app/integration trying to do so! Please update us and others here if you have a resolution or solution for this issue from Shopify.

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Shopify Partner
304 32 358

Hello @casperhillstrom 

Renars here from Matrixify.
Sorry to hear that you are having this issue in your store and it is affecting Matrixify imports.


Would be best if you could reach out to our support directly here -

Looks like this is not a Matrixify caused issue, but as this is affecting the usage of our app and likely the same for other app users then we would love to dig into this together with you and see if there is some solution we can come up with!

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