Looking for AI generated copywriting program for product descriptions

Looking for AI generated copywriting program for product descriptions

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I recently have been using a AI generated copywriting robot program. I purchased a lifetime use of 2000 ads a month back in September 2023 and was moving along fine when all the sudden the program is no longer working and continues to generate error messages every time I try to do a product description. I have reached out 5 times to support and no one answers me as to correct it or what is going on. 


At this point I need a new program for same kind of stuff I have been doing so far, it saves me so much time with getting these great descriptions for my graphic design products. Can anyone help point me to a new program that can do the same kind of stuff? 


The one I have been using provided: Single & Bulk Descriptions, Ad Copy, Social Media Captions, Product Names and About Us Page generators. 


I would appreciate the help, I have not been able to upload any new product's for almost 2 weeks and I frustrated. 

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