Matching variant color names with variant images

Matching variant color names with variant images

7 0 3

Is it even possible to create a set of product variant names that are paired with specific images that can then be selected to apply to specific products? The process of having to create each variant and image separately within each product is unbelievably cumbersome and time-consuming. Please tell me if there is any other way.

Replies 2 (2)

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Hi @PaulRochester,


I am not sure if you tried using the CSV to import products. In that way, you can copy paste the variants and its images prior to importing. If you are looking about a solution inside the Shopify Admin page, I don't think there is any unless if you use apps. Sorry but I don't hear any apps that can do this but a customized app would be feasible

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Hi @PaulRochester , I'm unsure if I understood the case correctly, but maybe you can use SKUs and/or Barcodes to organize your products and images. You can send me a message, and we can check your case together 🙂 I'd like to help!