More than 5000 words product description issue on facebook channel

Shopify Partner
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The store is using a facebook channel so that it can publish the product on facebook but some of the products has an issue on publishing on facebook because the product description exceed the 5000 character policy. Is there a way to fix this issue without reducing the product description in shopify?

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Shopify Partner
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Welcome to Shopify Community,
It's the Facebook policy. Check out here you can add more then 5000 Character.

You must include a description for each product you add to your catalogue. Descriptions help people learn more about the products they see in your ads or shop on Facebook and Instagram. Follow these specifications when you enter your product descriptions.

Requirements for product descriptions:

  • Provide a description between 30 to 5,000 characters.
  • Use correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.
  • Write in sentence case, meaning only the first word in each sentence is capitalised. Descriptions in all capital letters (ALL CAPS) are not supported.
  • Make sure the description matches the title and image for that specific product.
  • Enter only plain text, not HTML or rich text, unless you're using the optional rich_text_description field. See recommendations below.

Recommendations for product descriptions:

  • Make sure the product's description is longer than its title.
  • Include unique product features and relevant details that can help buyers make a purchase decision.
  • Be concise and ensure the description is easy to read.
  • Don't include excessive punctuation such as “!!!”. People may associate this with spam or misleading marketing.
  • Provide only information related to the product. Don't include company information, shipping details, links or contact information such as a phone number or email address.
  • If you use a data feed to manage your items, add the optional rich_text_description field to your feed to use rich text and HTML formatting in your description, such as bullet points or multiple paragraphs. This can help make your description easier to read, especially if it's longer than 200 characters. You must still include a normal description as a fallback.