MULTIPLE IMAGES on product page but they don't load in large window when selected?

MULTIPLE IMAGES on product page but they don't load in large window when selected?

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I have multiple images uploaded to my product page but when I click on them they don't load as the large picture in the Picture window. any ideas on how to fix this?




Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
3912 395 1441

There is an error in your theme, but it can be fixed.


If your theme has "Custom CSS" in Theme Settings, you can paste the following code there.

Otherwise you'd need to edit your theme code -- open assets/theme.css (or theme.css.liquid ?) and add this code at the very end of the file:

.control-button-gallery.control-button-gallery3 {
  z-index: unset;
.control-button-gallery.control-button-gallery3 a{
  z-index: 99;

Also -- next time when you ask for help, please share your site address. 

If my post is helpful, consider liking it -- it will help others with similar problem to find a solution.
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