Re: My shopify store's domain not opening in my country, opens in european and north american countr

My shopify store's domain not opening in my country, opens in european and north american countries

1 0 2

Hello everyone, good day.


I created a shopify store recently and also bought and linked a domain name from a third party provider. So far, the domain won't even connect when I try to visit the url ( is the web address). I get the below error.


Unable to connect

An error occurred during a connection to


  • The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.
  • If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer’s network connection.
  • If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the web.

It's almost as if the domain name doesn't exist. But then I visit the same domain with a VPN connected to other countries like the US, Britain, Canada, Turkey and so on and it opens! I'm from Nigeria and it doesn't open in my country!


I've asked for help from both shopify and my domain registra and they both asked me to wait 48 hours, well it's past 48 hours now and still no progress.


I haven't found any help anywhere on what to do about this and my subscriptions to various services for this endeavour is running down.


Please Help Me. Thanks

Replies 59 (59)

Shopify Partner
3 0 2

Hello Isaac


This is a quick temp fix . Unfortunately, it requires a little bit of technical knowledge. 


If your domain is routed through Cloudflare, what you can do is set up a Redirect rule pointing from your shopify domain name to your shopify subdomain . 

eg -> 


So when anyone goes to ,they will be redirected and your store will still work . 


Also, you have to log into your shopify admin and make primary to stop it from redirecting to


At least this will stop you from bleeding customers and revenue until we figure out why MTN and Co are crazy 




14 0 3

Thank you for this. I am working on it now. I am just really shocked that @Shopify would get multiple complaints regarding an issue that is crippling business for customers, and won't do anything about it.

9 0 2



did did you manage to resolve your own issue? 

14 0 3

Yes. I used the fix recommended in this thread, and it is working for now.

3 0 0

Hello, could you please share a step by step guide on how you got it working?

7 0 2

- Log into Shopify, go to Domains (from Setting), change your primary domain to your domain 

- Your other domain/domains should redirect to the (still on the same domain page)

- Go to your hosting website and make your domain also redirect to the link.


When people go to your url (eg,, it will redirect them to the link which is accessible in Nigeria.


It's not a good solution but until Shopify figure out what the issue is, this will have to do.

Shopify Partner
5 0 0

Hello, I have been experiencing an ongoing issue with my website,, for months. Despite reaching out to my Domain registrar and Shopify, the problem remains unresolved. My A and CNAME records are correctly set up.

It appears to be an NCC regulatory issue where some Shopify IP addresses are blocked due to supposed redirecting (which my website does not do). My website is accessible on some ISPs but not on others, like MTN and AIRTEL. When I contacted MTN, they claimed compliance with NCC regulations.

It's frustrating that Shopify has not been helpful. They claimed to have resolved the issue after wasting a lot of time, but nothing changed.

As a result, our customers from Nigeria have to use VPNs to access our site, which flags them as high risk and leads to order cancellations. It's really painful not to receive the assistance we need.


Shopify Partner
5 0 4

Hello Kris,


I’m sorry to see you having the same issue, my clients have had this issue for a while until we tried this solution by AbdullahBolaji, I tried this for some of my clients and it has worked for them: 


Go to your domain host, (for example, Namecheap or Shopify) switch your IP at your domain host to “”


After doing this their Shopify stores were accessible to all ISPs in Nigeria from MTN to Airtel.


Feel free to reach out and let me know. 

Shopify Partner
5 0 0

Hi Tope,

Thank you so much for your help! The solution worked perfectly.

8 0 2

Hi Tope, I had the same issue my website not working in nigeria , and i spoke several time with shopify support with no result.
Can you please guide me how to switch my IP at my domain host to “” .
did you mean the A record? it is right now