My Shopify Store was terminated randomly this morning

My Shopify Store was terminated randomly this morning

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This morning my store was terminated and it frustrates my a lot because I have active ad campaigns I am running. The reason I was given was that I somehow violated copyright, however this doesn't make sense because I made the artwork for my products and anything I didn't I acquired with a license. I am annoyed with Shopify because I have many products on my store and I told what got claimed.


When I contacted support about this, they couldn't help tell me what product was the issue, and instead I was told that it is entirely possible that someone submitted an erroneous claim against my store that might've resulted in an automatic termination. That seems wrong to me that someone random can take down my store so easily while I am in the middle of marketing my products for the first time, which is a crucial time for the store.

Is there something that can be done? Can I at least get more information about this? I cannot wait a week like I was told to have this resolved. I have a business that I am running, I cannot pause it and wait it out like that, I have customers and orders to fulfill. What can I do?

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