Need a csv file of all the product taxonomy

Need a csv file of all the product taxonomy

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I am preparing to import over 5000 items/products from my current retail mgmt system into Shopify. While running tests, I learned that I need to (well, prefer to) associate my product titles (mostly books) with categories. I'm aware of the Product Taxonomy but don't what to do this manually. So, I'm working with Grok to create code that will analyze my titles and designated a category/sub-category value. This works great with a small sample but it won't do 5000+ items, neither in the chat session nor via file share (which doesn't work yet). So, is there a shopify page or a user out that who has this info in a CSV or other format file?

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@DannoCracker 👋

Probably start in this thread: 


The old .txt file for the old taxonomy is no longer available.

And there's not a premade supported CSV afaik.

So you have to roll your own using taxonomy repo (note it is very large): 

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