Re: Need Help with Sticky Header and Announcement Bar on Enterprise ThemeHello everyone, I'm curren


Need Help with Sticky Header and Announcement Bar on Enterprise ThemeHello everyone, I'm currently

17 1 3

Hello everyone,


I'm currently working on a website with the Enterprise theme, and I've hit a bit of a roadblock. I'm looking to make both the announcement bar and the header bar (which includes the menu and logo) fixed, so they remain at the top of the page as the user scrolls down.


The website I'm working on is


I've tried a few CSS tricks, but nothing seems to work perfectly with the Enterprise theme. Has anyone tackled this before or have any insights on how to achieve this functionality? Any guidance or code snippets that have worked for you would be greatly appreciated!


Thank you in advance for your help!

Accepted Solutions (2)
Shopify Partner
406 119 154

This is an accepted solution.

You haven't searched well. I found the responsible code inside your main.css:

    .cc-header--sticky {
        margin-bottom: var(--menu-height)

    .cc-header--sticky .main-menu__disclosure {
        max-height: 0;
        margin-top: 0

Delete it, the header will be visible all the time, I hope that's your solution!

Any donation is welcome! Thanks in advance!

View solution in original post

17 1 3

This is an accepted solution.

It worked!  Thank you 😃

View solution in original post

Replies 8 (8)

Shopify Partner
406 119 154

After looking at your code, I realized that the problem arises when you scroll down, a class called is-out is added, probably through some script that detects vertical scrolling. That class hides the navigation bar.


is out.png


Any donation is welcome! Thanks in advance!
17 1 3

Could someone guide me on how to fix this? I'm not highly skilled in coding, but I'm willing to try my hand with some assistance and a brief explanation.




Shopify Partner
406 119 154

We can try to solve it.


1º First go to your theme.liquid:


Captura de pantalla 2023-11-10 224750.png


2º Click on the code, then press CTRL + F, a search bar will open at the bottom, search and add: is-out.


Captura de pantalla 2023-11-10 224830.png


If when you press enter that text does not appear in the code, do the same process for files whose base name is 'header'.


If it appeared in the code, send me a screenshot or send me the code directly.

Any donation is welcome! Thanks in advance!
17 1 3

surprisingly, there is no mentioned of "is-out" in the code in the section you mentioned or any section with header in the title.  Any other suggestions?

Shopify Partner
406 119 154

Try main.css or base.css depending on how it appears in your theme.

Any donation is welcome! Thanks in advance!
17 1 3

unfortunately, no results - I don't think this is the wording to search for since I can't identify it

Shopify Partner
406 119 154

This is an accepted solution.

You haven't searched well. I found the responsible code inside your main.css:

    .cc-header--sticky {
        margin-bottom: var(--menu-height)

    .cc-header--sticky .main-menu__disclosure {
        max-height: 0;
        margin-top: 0

Delete it, the header will be visible all the time, I hope that's your solution!

Any donation is welcome! Thanks in advance!
17 1 3

This is an accepted solution.

It worked!  Thank you 😃