Need some help with delivery restrictions

Need some help with delivery restrictions

4 0 1



I need some help with setting up my delivery options.


The situation is that our shop will sell gourmet food, some of it collections will be frozen food, items. Usually, we use simple carrier or delivery to parcel machine delivery options.


Since we got frozen food - these options are not suitable for us. That's why - we would like to offer for our customers delivery by our own carrier in the city we operate or to pick up the orders by themselves. 


But, I can't find working solution for this. I can't find the way to show the options for customers that they can order this items only if they are ok with our delivery in specific city - or local pick up. In other words, customers from different cities - should not have an option to buy frozen items. 


Maybe there is work-around for this? Local Pick Up option in Shopify is not working for us, because the restriction is that restricted items for delivery will not be shown for the customers who is not eligible for delivery. They need to see them, but they should not order them.

Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Partner
274 28 41

If you choose to use apps, we can help you resolve this with our app JsRates. With JsRates, we can help you display a message on the frozen items product page for customers in specific city (the app has a feature to approximately detect the customer's location - city and zip code) and disable the "add to cart" button. We can also restrict/configure the shipping rate based on the delivery address at checkout. Or we can find other solutions - the app is designed for custom solutions.


If you are keen, install the app and contact our support team via "Contact support" in the app to help you with the setup.  Please note you will need third-party carrier calculated shipping (CCS) rates activated on your store to use JsRates at checkout.

Founder @ JsRates: Custom Shipping Rates
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4 0 1

Thanks! I was wondering, if there would be a possibility to solve this issue without third-party carrier calculated shipping (CCS)? Because it's just a beginning of our shop and to level up Shopify plan at the moment would too expensive for us.

Shopify Partner
116 5 9

Hi @tryliktas - If you are open to trying 3rd party app we can offer the solution to this use case. You will be able to restrict store pickup for frozen items to specific zip codes. My question is what happens when a customer adds both frozen and non frozen items in the cart?

Shlok Dave
Marketing Specialist at ShipperHQ.
A one-stop solution to all your shipping needs.
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4 0 1

Hi @shipperhq-dave, thanks for the message. I am not sure if I explained my issue as detailed as I could, so I will try to do that below and provide you with some scenarios:


1. Let's say that we sell frozen items. They can be delivered to the cities X and Y once a week - we would do it by ourselves. So, if the customer is not from those cities - they should not be able to order it with delivery option, but they should be able to do that with Pick Up option (it means that optionally they could come and pick up their order from our store in the city X).


2. If the customer adds frozen and not frozen items in the cart, the system or app should be able to identify it and should not give delivery options until customer removes frozen items / or selects Pick Up option.


3. If customer is from cities X and Y - there should not be any problems to buy frozen items with delivery option.


I hope that makes sense.


Thank you.

Shopify Partner
116 5 9

Hi @tryliktas - Thank you for elaborating on the use case. This is achieveable but it will need a third-party shipping app like ours. It looks tough to be done through Shopify settings alone.

Shlok Dave
Marketing Specialist at ShipperHQ.
A one-stop solution to all your shipping needs.
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