No apps or section show on my homepage anymore

No apps or section show on my homepage anymore

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I wanted to make some updates on my homepage with new section from third party apps i always use but also after with the native ones from Shopify but nothing seems to work anymore any updates from my them customization doesn't show on my web page.

Also i recently set up all the google analytics and search console parameters and I was thinking this completely messed up my shopify... I am lost now because I can't see any errors in the console or understand what the hell is going on...

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
7721 678 1620

Hi @cptstoa 👋 either restore a theme backup and retest , or try rolling back any non-asset theme files that you may have changed directly or indirectly through apps/services.


If you need theme repair services then contact me directly.
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ALWAYS please provide context, examples: store url, theme name, post url(s) , or any further detail in ALL correspondence.

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