no sms authentication codes 3 days now!

no sms authentication codes 3 days now!

New Member
4 0 0

This has been the most frustrating thing ever. Your Support lied  that it resolved the issue about the authentication, the other one said they have successfully disabled the 2 factor which is another lie, one support said my email was blocked and was unblocked which was never the issue... the other one just straight up messaged k, stay safe, bye! WHY IS THIS THE SUPPORT TEAM OF SHOPIFY?! 


I need this resolved within the day as we are loosing money getting locked out of our own store because of your OTP server not functioning! 





"I have gone ahead and reset the throttle settings for your account. This adjustment should help clear any blocks or delays that might have been preventing the delivery of your authentication codes."

Replies 3 (3)

New Member
4 0 0

I'd like to add that we had to make new shopify accounts just to be able to get to your chats.... seriously.

New Member
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  • The Business Operations Team is available during weekdays, which means we receive limited responses from their staff this weekend.

    Shopify support

New Member
4 0 0

What a total pain it is working with the support of this platform. Still NO solutions.