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From about 12noon today GMT, any notification sent from Shopify appears to have the email body missing when viewed from Outlook on the desktop version. However when viewing Outlook in 365 web version the email body is normal and visible.
Our customers are noticing this too. Does anyone else know of or have experienced this issue?
Solved! Go to the solution
This is an accepted solution.
This issue is resolved now for new emails going forward, so we've updated the solution in this topic.
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
We are experiencing this same issue, just noticed it today.
I thought I was losing my mind, I am experiencing this issue also.
Same here. Not resolved as of today 09/20/2022
Multiple users are receiving a blank email when they try to export orders. Is anyone else experiencing (or has experienced in the past) the same issue and have suggestions?
I am experiencing the same situation. I keep getting blank emails with no exports. I have tried reaching out to customer support but I got nothing. Anyone out there that has figured this out?
I saw on another post ( that using Outlook in a web browser might work so we tried that and it seemed to be successful. If you're using Outlook Desktop, give that a try.
Yah Outlook Desktop for Windows is not showing content in the export emails. Outlook on the web is unaffected for receipt and resend. MacOS Outlook is not affected on receipt, but if you go to reply or forward the email, the content is still blank.
I think we're experiencing the same issue. I have a user testing if the report is coming through Outlook web version okay.
We're experiencing this as well. Thank you for the post - before I found this we didn't think to try the web version.
My users are experiencing the same issue, I thought this was an isolated issue here.
I am having the users logging into the was OWA version as a workaround to be able to load the messages until the issue is resolved.
There are problems in the html header of the emails that appear to be causing this. Contact form emails, login notification emails, pretty much everything being emailed out of Shopify is having this problem. Shopify needs to fix this as soon as possible.
Webmail clients appear to be a short term workaround but for businesses using Outlook on their clients this needs to be resolved.
Same issue here as well. OWA is fine but Outlook client email body is blank. OWA for workaround but hopefully this gets resolved soon.
This seems to be the point, but I don't get why it just appears in this section of the mails. @Shopify This is a major problem for our workflows!
Shopify support on Twitter says this is an Outlook issue and we should be contacting Microsoft. Thoughts on that, @TEPred ?
Shopify is the one who changed the html code of the emails so I don't know how they can say it's a MS issue when they're the ones who broke it? That's simply poor customer support to just hide and point fingers... but it seems to be what they do best any time there's an issue. The platform has so many unaddressed problems it's not even funny. But their focus seems to be more on selling than supporting existing customers.
Allyson, you can point them to this thread for the solution if they can't figure it out themselves too...
Just wanted to chime in and say our customers are reporting this issue too. B2B customers unable to log in with 6-digit email codes, because the email body is empty.
@Shopifycan you check on this?
Experiencing the same issue for a client.
Hi, I am having the same issue. The customer messages do not show up simply an email from with no message. I have had two today and this has never happened previously. Oddly, the entire message wills how up on my phone but not on my desktop.
We're seeing this same behaviour across all of our stores. The problem began in the last 12-24 hours.
Seeing the same issue across multiple client stores- emails being delivered with no body text. This is an intermittent issue but persists across several unrelated sites. Testing occasionally yields correct results, and other times does not. Looking into the full email, the body is empty, reply-to headers are not correctly sent- it appears that the transaction email system is failing, but not always.
Same issue appearing for me. Spoke to support and they said "there is currently a known issue that Shopify is aware of in Outlook, this is an emerging issue that Outlook is actively working on as well". There is no official statement but they recommended that i get in touch with Microsoft to follow up
We are having the same issue. Showing on OWA and phone but not on outlook desktop app.
Yes, same issue here
Hey guys,
Just got them working again... two examples for you
This doesn't render...
{% assign red_color = "red" %}
{% assign blue_color = "#1e73be" %}
{% assign grey_color = "#eeeeee" %}
{% assign dark_font_color = "#333333" %}
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, shrink-to-fit=no">
<!--[if !mso]><!-->
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<title>{{ email_title }}</title>
This does render...
{%- capture email_title %}
Security check
{% endcapture -%}
{% assign red_color = "red" %}
{% assign blue_color = "#1e73be" %}
{% assign grey_color = "#eeeeee" %}
{% assign dark_font_color = "#333333" %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, shrink-to-fit=no">
<!--[if !mso]><!-->
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<title>{{ email_title }}</title>
Hope this helps someone else.
Removing my reply for now, until we have a better understanding of the root cause.
Recently I have testing a new campaign using Shopify Email, and checking my email, they appear completely blank.
ANSWER: Thanks to chatting to someone at shopify, I was sending to an outlook address, apparently there is an issue on outlooks end, which shopify are trying to help fix, the email platforms affected are outlook and hotmail.
I hope this gets resolved quickly! Anyone no a quick way to filter outlook and hotmail emails from our database?
You cannot see what email client people are using. It is an issue in the Outlook software which could also be used by gmail users
Same here. Emails are displaying on Macs and I-Phones but not on Microsoft Outlook. Started yesterday.
Since yesterday, shopify notification emails are empty.
For example, when I upload products through a CSV file. I get the report email, as usual, but now it is completely empty. Only the subject line is filled with "Product import completed for "My store"".
The report emails after the inventory import are also empty.
(I need this information asap, to understand why some products are not imported).
How can I solve this problem?
It might be related to this issue:
which shopify so far is refusing to fix and blaming Outlook for
Same issue.
Yeh we also have the same issue!
i managed to see the emails by right clicking the email a sellecting view from source which if you take your time you can find the message in the code or doing what was previously mentioned and changing the > to > i could then save the text file as a .html and it would open and show me the message, so clearly a shopify issue that surely wouldnt be that hard to resolve if they wanted to because i know nothing about this stuff and i have managed
@heatedwindscree Thank you for confirming the problem with the character entity references. Exact same result here by replacing the references with the correct symbols and embedding the html into a new email, it fixes the issue. If you take a look at your previous emails that rendered correctly, you should see those character references did not exist, which confirms this issue was created by Shopify.
If this is true, then Shopify should back out their changes - even if it IS an outlook problem at the core, disrupting the businesses of every single one of your customers to make a point to the monopoly that controls our computers is NOT productive for anyone.
any update on this ? please 😞
how do i get webmail working ?
Same problem here. Shopify refuses to help. Points fingers to Outlook
Also refusing to help: "it's an Outlook problem" 🙄
Just spoke to a shopify support rep. Outlook has taken ownership of the issue but are not sharing any information. Shopify devs do not want to share any info because it might look bad on their reputation. ("it's not our problem")
Same problem.
"Not listening. Not bothered. Go talk to Microsoft"
(countdown to them figuring out it's a Shopify problem.... 3 .... 2 ....)
so what is the time frame on this ? before it get fixes ... do i need to purchase upgrade for run web outlook ?
Yes same problem, any suggestions?
Has anyone tried using a third party Contact Form App in Shopify, or does anyone run one on their site, and do you have the same issue? e.g.
24 hours later and the problem continues to persist. No action on the part of Shopify beyond pointing fingers at MS. If you truly believe this excuse, ask yourself, did everyone's Outlook configuration suddenly change at exactly the same time? This is literally a 15 second fix to correct code that someone likely copy/pasted from an editor that replaced the symbols with the references and created this issue. This is absurd. Consider long and hard that you are trusting your web presence, customer experience, reputation, and in some cases your livelihood to people who can't code simple html correctly. But take notice that their marketing emails sent yesterday touting Shopify Plus have no issue displaying in Outlook whatsoever... that fact alone speaks volumes.
We have the same issue.
Works on mobile fine - so i forwarded an email to ourselves (using the mobile outlook mobile app) and this is showing the content of the contact form. Our only work around until there is an update from Outlook i guess
If you want to check this same issue with Outlook then the below MS Support link helps
Hello Everyone,
We've merged topics about this issue and thank you all for your feedback. Information from this topic has been shared with our development team for review and we will update this topic as soon as possible.
This reply has been accepted as a solution so users can easily find the most recent update.
Thank you for your patience!
- To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Shopify Blog
Will a E-blast go out to all when remedied?
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