Re: Over 50k Variants (180,000) and do i have to upgrade to Shopify Plus

Over 50k Variants (180,000) and do i have to upgrade to Shopify Plus

New Member
4 0 0

I am managing a website which has over 50k products (180,000) and hitting the 1k upload limit. The only options that I am aware of are getting Shopify Plus plan, or going somewhere else. Id prefer not doing either.


Is there a way to upload more than 1k a day without getting Shopify Plus plan? Can Shopify Plus be paid in monthly basis? Like I mentioned I have 180,000 products, it would take me 130 more days to upload all of them

Thank you in advance


I am a small print shop that has has about 180,000 prints for sale. I print everything inhouse

Replies 4 (4)

21 0 3

You can submit a request to have the limitation lifted, we have 750k items on our website and we requested an exemption and was granted one for 7 days, after 6 days passed, it was clear we needed an additional extension, and a request was once again made and approved, this 2 week exemption, gave us the time to list all 750k items. So, you can list them, but it is a case by case basis and almost certain will be approved if your site is well planned and you have no violations, if you get lots of charge backs, late shipping, violations etc etc... then it will be denied.

Boss Lady
New Member
4 0 0

Thank you @IEAP  - I have asked for the limitation lifted, and they put a request in. Hopefully I will get it. Thank you so much for the answer!

New Member
4 0 0

Looks like they think I am a dropshipper - sad thing is I am a one man printshop with so much money invested in equipment - that it sucks get denied for something you are not. I have asked support to reconsider - but if not off to big commerce i guess.


Will keep you posted on whether they reconsider or not

21 0 3

did you get approval?


Boss Lady