Re: Pagination is not woorking at few collection pages.

Pagination is not woorking at few collection pages.

Shopify Partner
33 2 1

Pagination is not woorking at few collection pages, at few pages its working.   

Password is : hotpink

working url :     working url have 60+ products

Not Working URL :       non working url have 19 products

Anyone guys can you help?

Replies 10 (10)
Shopify Partner
33 2 1

Hi, thanks for reply, but my all product is already active and i haven't used any app for  filter.


for some collection pagination working and for some its not.


Shopify Partner
253 19 109

Hello @Ckuriosity ,


You may want to double check these things to identify the main reason:

  • Check your theme settings: Check your theme settings to make sure that pagination is enabled for all collection pages and that the correct number of products are set to display per page.
  • Check your collection settings: Each collection in Shopify has its own settings, including the number of products to display per page and the sorting order. Make sure that the settings for each collection are correct and that pagination is enabled.
  • Check for conflicting apps or code: If you have recently installed any new apps or made changes to your theme code, it's possible that there could be conflicts that are causing pagination to not work on some collection pages. Try disabling any apps that could be causing conflicts and revert any recent changes to your theme code to see if that fixes the issue.

Hope these can help. Let we know if you find out anything.

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Shopify Partner
33 2 1

I checked all and everything is fine but still its not working properly , i tried to add higher version of theme and checked but that also showing same . 


Shopify Partner
117 11 13

Hello @Ckuriosity , you can go to admin  -> product -> collection -> SHIRT then check status product at here if collection this > 15 product is active Pagination  will show and working, if not it will hide

Thank you

- I'm dev shopify. | Skype : hoang.nguyenit92 | Email:
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Shopify Partner
33 2 1

All products are active already , i checked everything in setting all is well but still have issue.

Shopify Partner
33 2 1

Yes all products are published in online store.

Shopify Partner
117 11 13

Hello @Ckuriosity , if it still not showing, maybe I need check code for it, so pls pm for me

thank you

- I'm dev shopify. | Skype : hoang.nguyenit92 | Email:
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Shopify Partner
33 2 1

Thank , I found issue and fixed. Market were not selected. 

Shopify Partner
38 5 2

Could you please attach a screenshot or a video of what uv'e done? Because I am experiencing the same problem. Thanks

1 0 0

We had the same issue on our website under the keyboard and mouse. We have a category called Keyboard and mouse, however strangely it was showing only keyboards and not the mice we added. number of items on the right top-hand side was showing the right number but not showing the rest. So i realised under online store> navigation, under the header menu, when I created the submenu link, mistakenly added a work "keyword" in the "Filter collection with tags (optional)" section. so it was filtering the titles with the mentioned keyword only. Try to remove anything inside the "Filter collection with tags (optional)" section and it will be fixed