Payout Change?

Payout Change?

New Member
6 0 0

Until recently, every time a purchase was made using Shopify (online, or in store using CC) the amount would be added to my balance account. This happened all throughout the day, as transactions take place. Now, it seems that they are no longer doing that and there is no mention of it anywhere in any of my emails or communication. Why the change? This "feature" was the saving grace that kept me with Shopify -- but if that's gone away, I'd like to know why and if there is a plan to return, so I can make a better business decision. 

I'm probably in over my head...
Reply 1 (1)

New Member
6 0 0

I am mistaken, I got a vague email on 12/11/2024 telling me: 

Hello (Insert name),

We wanted to let you know that your future Shopify Payments payouts for (Store Name) will be available in your Shopify Balance account within 24 hours of the transaction date (Coordinated Universal Time).

I'm probably in over my head...