Re: Paypal Error 10486 - No Luck at all with many customers trying to purchase.

Paypal Error 10486 - No Luck at all with many customers trying to purchase.

1 0 0

Good Evening,

I can see that customers receiving error 10486 when using Paypal express cart is a big issue currently on many stores.

I am new to shopify and have tried using Paypal as a payment method - I lost arpox 8 customers yesterday as their payment was refused with this exact code along with error message This transaction couldn't be completed. Please redirect your customer to PayPal.

Is anyone else having this problem?, as I'd really like for my customers to be able to use Paypal 😕

Kind Regards

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
10 0 2

theres another post about the same issue:


Inshort. either remove paypal or add a banner at the top or a pop up on the check out. if customers do it twice it will go through.. but neither shopify or paypal want to resolve the issue in a timely manner.