Place title, review stars, price above image on phone

Place title, review stars, price above image on phone

291 0 32

Hello, I want to place this part of my product page:


on top of the image just for phone. Is there a way to do this? URL:

kind regards,


Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Partner
3944 791 1122

Hello @TrendBlend ,


Yes but it needs customization.

If you are looking for an idea please follow;

Copy the blocks code which you need at the top of image on mobile.

Use it inside the image wrapper div with hidden class for desktop.

Use media query and make it visible for mobile.


This is only the way to achieve it.




- Drop an email   if you are looking for quick fix or any customization
- Email: Skype: live:navrocks1
- Try GEMPAGES a great page builder
291 0 32

Hello, I've tried doing so but it still does not work. Can you help me with it?

Shopify Partner
3944 791 1122

Yes sure please drop an email to discuss further.

or please share what you tried and I'll  help to fix it. If you are closer to it

- Drop an email   if you are looking for quick fix or any customization
- Email: Skype: live:navrocks1
- Try GEMPAGES a great page builder
291 0 32

Hello, I got this code now in my main-product.liquid: Dec 17 11:09 PM - Codeshare
And this code in my theme.liquid for styling: Dec 17 11:10 PM - Codeshare
It works now, but when I refresh on desktop, the price,reviews,title are set on top for a little bit before not being displayed again. Is there any way to just not let it show up on desktop instead of having a delay until it does not display anymore?

Shopify Partner
3944 791 1122

Use inline css to hide it ( display: none; ) so as soon as page loads it make the elements hidden.

- Drop an email   if you are looking for quick fix or any customization
- Email: Skype: live:navrocks1
- Try GEMPAGES a great page builder