Popup Question after URL Click

Popup Question after URL Click

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I've seen a lot of posts about Pop Ups and Quizzes, but none of them seem to be able to answer the question I'm having. 


I have a Rewards Program through Rivo. Love the app, but the only way to have custom "ways to earn" is through a URL link. I'd like them to have a weekly task where I ask them a question and they're able to enter a response - I suppose like a survey- and award them points based off of that. 


To make it seamless, I don't want them to have to leave the page to answer the question. 


Does anyone know if there's a way to have the question and response assigned to a URL that pops up on the same page? 

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Hi @TrendyBlend 👋 

Rough yes: it's possible to make a standalone form whose fields show a specific link based on the responses(input values) that doesn't reload the page or navigate as answers are inputted of when the form is submitted; and the form IS NOT form the third party.

Rough No: if a third party system doesn't have an api or other methods to integrate with, then activating one of their endpoints or integrating into custom forms may not be possible.


Recognize your question isn't well formed and missing a level of clarity & specifics required to get to a clear answer, such as providing a working example, inspectable urls, mockups, or docs,  So someone would have to do the work of stepping through a bunch of sub-questions or digging for api docs, or just creating a prototype proof of concept etc etc;  e.g a feasability study.



If you have the budget and need this consulted on or customized then contact me by my email for services.
Contact info in forum signature.
ALWAYS please provide context, examples: store url, theme name, post url(s) , or any further detail in ALL correspondence.

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