Printing Issues with Dymo Label Writer 4xl

Printing Issues with Dymo Label Writer 4xl

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Hi everyone! 


We are experiencing a new issue with one of our store computers, hoping someone else has run into this and found a solution. 


We have one Apple Desktop with shopify and a dymo label writer 4xl that currently works completely fine - we are able to bulk print shipping labels and packing slips for many orders at a time. We typically stick to 10 orders at a time, so we are printing 20 labels (shipping + packing slip) at once. No hang ups. 


However, we just got a new Apple Desktop for another location and we are experiencing a lot of issues with printing labels with the same model of printer - dymo label writer 4xl. If we try to print any more than 1 orders documents, the printer pauses. We then have to go in and 'resume' the printer, but it starts back at the first order that's already been printed. We can only bulk print label + packing slip 1 order at a time. 


Any and all feedback would be great! This hang up is kicking our butt and resulting in a lot of wasted time. 

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I'm curious to see an answer to this- I've had the same problem occurring with a new iMac desktop computer and an Arkscan 2054a label printer- I assumed it was the printer's fault (it's 5 years old) and was about to replace it. Some days it works fine, and sometimes it 'pauses' between every job. I usually print labels and packing slips as orders are fulfilled, so 2 at a time. The only luck I've had is canceling the print job and restarting it. I wonder if it has something to do with the newest macOS?