Product filtering discrepancies

Product filtering discrepancies

Shopify Partner
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My goal is to send a Storefront API request that allows be to grab X first products based on collection handle that are filtered by min/max price and title search. However, this doesn't seem to be possible right now. 

Currently, I am able to achieve this partially requiring client-side filtering outside of the request. 
Method: Use the collection query with the handle filter, but the ProductsConnection it returns does not allow for the query parameter to be used in the subsequent products query.

"query": "query getProducts($handle: String!, $first: Int, $sortKey: ProductCollectionSortKeys, $reverse: Boolean, $query: String) { collection(handle: $handle) { products(first: $first, sortKey: $sortKey, reverse: $reverse, query: $query) { edges { node { id title description handle availableForSale onlineStoreUrl variants(first: 10) { edges { node { id title sku availableForSale priceV2 { amount currencyCode } compareAtPriceV2 { amount currencyCode } } } } featuredImage { altText url height width } } } } } }",
"variables": {
"handle": "shirts",
"first": 1,
"query": "title: *t*"

 This query returns the error:

    "errors": [
            "message": "Field 'products' doesn't accept argument 'query'",
            "locations": [
                    "line": 1,
                    "column": 216
            "path": [
                "query getProducts",
            "extensions": {
                "code": "argumentNotAccepted",
                "name": "products",
                "typeName": "Field",
                "argumentName": "query"
            "message": "Variable $query is declared by getProducts but not used",
            "locations": [
                    "line": 1,
                    "column": 1
            "path": [
                "query getProducts"
            "extensions": {
                "code": "variableNotUsed",
                "variableName": "query"

This makes sense because in the docs the ProductConnection doesn't allow for query, but I don't understand why. Is there any way this can be added so I don't have to make multiple requests and then have to filter client-side?

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