Product Images on Homepage are blurry but when zoomed in/out get clear

Product Images on Homepage are blurry but when zoomed in/out get clear

63 1 12

Hello, I did a lot of research how to fix my problem. When entering my website, the images on homepage are so blurry which can affect customers' experience in the future.


But I wonder cause when I zoom in the website using mouse scroll then zoom it out back to 100% it gets clear. The images become HD.


Can someone assist me please? I really want to fix this problem.


Second issue, the product images are so huge as well and I really cant find a way how to reduce the tile size for each product on home page.


Replies 3 (3)
63 1 12



Here's the store link:

password: bhlclothingwebshop


You'll notice that the images are somewhat blurry once you landed on the homepage but try to zoom it in then zoom out, you'll also notice that those images get HD (clearer).


Thank you.

5 0 3

Let use 2048px x 2048px for shopify product images, but must be smaller than 20 MB

63 1 12

Hello @martinseo0 the current product image sizing is already at 2048x2048px and smaller than 20 MB 😞


But still, the blurry photos when you landed on homepage is still an issue.