product page does not update after variant change

product page does not update after variant change

311 0 33

Hello, I'm facing an issue with this app which displays my variant selectors and add to cart button. URL: MagCharge – TrendBlend. The problem is that only the variant url is updated, when another variant is picked than the standard variant. The price and product image are not updated. Does someone know how I can update the price and product image when another variant is selected. I'm using DAWN Theme 12.0.0!

Schermafbeelding 2024-09-30 095440.png

The product picture and price are updated after refreshing/in the cart/in the add to cart widget.

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311 0 33

Hello sir,

Can I not somehow listen to the url change, because the url changes and then just update the product price and image on the product page. Or is that a difficult job to code?
Kind regards,