Product Pricing Changes On It's own When Product Is added To Cart

Product Pricing Changes On It's own When Product Is added To Cart

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Heya! Posting in case anyone has a solution for this or has experienced anything similar before.

We have a multi-market store with different prices and main currency set as USD. Everything works just fine except for the "AU" (Australian) market, where there appears to be a glitch:

- This happens only for products that have variations.
- When someone clicks on equally-priced variants, the price increases on it's own. So say that "variant-A" is listed for $50 and someone selects "variant-B" (which is equally priced), the price increases to $52. Even if someone selects "variant-A" again, the price remains increased at $52.
- Adding item to cart displays correct pricing, which is $50.

Have contacted Shopify support, they put me in touch with theme developers, now theme developers have stated it seems to be a Shopify issue.

Any insight highly helpful.

Replies 2 (2)

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I have the same issue with my cart. I don't know if it is a variant thing or not since most of my items have variants. I got the same runaround just now when I chatted with them.

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I just checked and mine doubles the prices even if there is no variant. It's costing me customers.