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Hi there, brand new to shopify and this is hopefully an easy fix. I've created manual collections in my store. I've added them to the menu but when I click on them in the preview none of the products are showing up! it says "Sorry, there are no products in this collection" and I'm not sure why. They're definitely in there... Any thoughts? I am using the Jumpstart theme.
Solved! Go to the solution
This is an accepted solution.
Hey @EstivalDrip.
Thanks for reaching out.
We have a blog post that goes into this in more depth Troubleshooting: Products aren't showing up displaying in collection that may be useful.
Since this is a 4 year old thread with outdated information, I will be locking this and marking my answer as a solution.
If you find our blog post doesn't help resolve your issue, then please feel free to start a new thread in the Shopify Discussions board or contact Shopify Support for further assistance.
Ollie | Social Care @ Shopify
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I’m sorry to hear about that I was struggling for the longest to get my products on my shop. You deleting debut should not have Any effect on your products at all because I’m using simple as well and all my products are there. I wish I was there to help but I think The only way we can figure this out is through social media/Internet. If you’d like my Instagram and Snapchat is xasia.lovex. Or or you can contact me through my email which is
No, you are right.
THERE IS A BUG in Shopify and its been reported many times.
When you create a collection "first" (like any sane human) and then you make a rule like "auto add products of X type" and then later you begin to add products, that collection does not update correctly. Everything on the back end will show up, you will be pulling your hair out, and swearing at the Shopify logo. However, you are not broken, Shopify is
Do not create the collection first (like any reasonable human would), instead, first create all your products, then after that, go create the collection.
If you have a collection that is effected by "the bug" (you created a collection first and set a rule for auto adding products) then DELETE that collection and recreate it. Then MANUALLY ADD your products. However, if you have made all your products first, you could try the "auto create" feature. Important note: there is no way to change a collection from "auto" into "manual" you have to delete it and start over.
Well... if we could get Shopify to come here, read this chain and take the issue seriously I bet they would fix it. But we would need like 1000 people to complain, otherwise they give the brush off. Which I understand, they are a large company after all. And as a developer, I tend to "not believe" most users there is a problem because 90% of the time the user is broken, lol, not the system. But in closing, this time, you are right and the system has a bug.
This solution still does not work... Very frustrating. I have tried every "solution"...
The solution is "you have to delete the category" and then "remake" it most of the time.
Shopify runs on a CDN, so I have found that "sometimes" if I wait 15min, clear my cache and check from another browser the category will update.
However, if you want to "see the new products in the category now, as in asap" then delete it, re-make it, re-add products. works every time.
alas, yes, it's a PIA to do this, but its better than yelling at the screen.
I would encourage you (and everyone who lands here) to send this thread to shopify support and say "look, its a real problem, please fix it"
The real solution is for shopify to disable the CDN and the cache for admins who are logged in, and then investigate the product category bug. I suspect that there is a CRON job in the database that does not sync up products on the front end till 1am or something...
At some point in time I will make a video "proving" it's a problem. I would encourage you to record your screen and post a video on using camtasia or some kind of screen recorder.
till then, just delete the category and recreate it. (yea, sucks, trust me I know and I hate doing that too, but it only takes 5 min)
Another "hotfix" that works for me is to UNPUBLISH products 1 at a time (not through the bulk editor) and then save them, close them, open them, and REPUBLISH them: one at a time. Sometimes that will kick them into the category properly. It should be noted that when I "bulk publish" products from the "bulk editor" also causes this "bug" where they do not show up in a category. Also utter nonsense we have to do this, it should "just work" properly. Alas, this is the nature of a bug in the system. This leads me to believe that the "bulk editor" is broken in some way and does not properly publish products (unless you save them 1 at a time)
Let's all contact support and get this fixed. Email them here:
Tell them that there is a collection glitch that causes products to not show up on a collection page. Link this thread for Shopify staff to reference:
We pay a lot of money for Shopify! It should work!
I ended up figuring out that when I used a third party inventory manager for syncing my ebay store with me shopify account, it ended up deleting all my tags and therefore the only way to fix it was to go back into all my products and add tags that were linked to my collections. I've fixed it now but am not sure it won't happen again.
Hi Lizzy, I've followed all the steps you've described but the product is still not showing under the collection. What is going on there?
1. It is active on all channels
2. It has the right tags (uppercase, lowercase etc.)
3. It shows up in the backend when looking at the collection
4. It does NOT show when opening the collection on the website
This is quite frustrating. I don't want to resort to manual collections if I don't have to. Hope there is a (permanent) solution for this.
NO this solution doesn't work. There are several people here commenting, who marked this as topic as solved?
I read all the thread and tried all the possible "solutions". Spotify has to fix this BUG, it is not a user error.
I agree.
I have all kinds of "theories" as to why this bug happens from the Cache, browser cache, server cache, Shopify CDN to database CRON jobs... whatever...
alas... all my "theories" all fall by the wayside.
The simple facts for us on any shop we manage are as follows:
We have plans to "capture" this problem in a screen recording next time it happens.
I would encourage you to do the same using something like Camtasia, record the screen and show it to Shopify to say "look. see? its real" and if enough people do that I think they will address it.
Thanks for the insight. We did add this collection and contents manually from the beginning. We followed someone's advise about reviewing Tags and sure enough when we deleted one and corrected a spelling error on another it corrected the collection problem. Why? I did not realize tags were so important on our end. I thought they were there mostly for customer search.
I plan to review other product tags to see if that is why they show up oddly in one collection but not another re: dress instead of dresses sort of thing.
Thanks for the info as moving forward I will watch
Hi, I was not the one who originally asked you this but thank you. This was the exact problem I was having and your instructions fixed it 🙂
hello dear i have a issue
Hi I have checked navigation and availability date in online store and still my product I have just created is not showing. Can you help?
Hi Lizzy, I've tried both but no change
I have a promotion on that specific product that is not showing. Customer might thinks it's a scam
I was having the same issue but then i tried the second solution and it worked. For anyone who has this problem, try checking your particular product on the products tab. click on it. to the right where it says "SALES CHANNELS AND APPS", click the manage button and then select online store. Your products should immediately appear
Yes, just forgot to add to Online Store
This helped me after being stumped for days!! Thanks so much!!! I have to say, this seems like poor design and something I NEVER would have guessed would be the issue! Would highly recommend fixing this 😬
Hi. Cant figured out how to make the products show the screen above "product detail"?
Hello dear friend! I did everything like you said but my products are still cant be seen in collections
I'm getting the exact same issue. This seems like a very easy thing to fix, not to mention essential for most stores, and these copy/paste automated replies that shopify keeps offering for the same problem are worthless and don't even address the OP's issue. I personally hate using automated collections.
This is an accepted solution.
Hey @EstivalDrip.
Thanks for reaching out.
We have a blog post that goes into this in more depth Troubleshooting: Products aren't showing up displaying in collection that may be useful.
Since this is a 4 year old thread with outdated information, I will be locking this and marking my answer as a solution.
If you find our blog post doesn't help resolve your issue, then please feel free to start a new thread in the Shopify Discussions board or contact Shopify Support for further assistance.
Ollie | Social Care @ Shopify
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I had this problem after importing a duplicate set of products for wholesale segmentation. Products were the same except for handle, price, and vendor. Although the products had the tags which were specified by the collection they did not show up. What worked easily for me was toggling from any condition and saving and then toggling back to all conditions and saving again. Quick easy fix to re-save and update the collection.
Thanks Technologic,
This solution worked. I had preset up my products in collections but not published them yet. I published and they would not appear even though in correct collections with correct tags and available with plenty of stock. Removed from collection and added again. Voila! Thanks all fixed!
I just had the same happen when it shouldn't have - literally as KimM says - remove from collection and then add again - job done - cheers KimM!
Hello, I am having the same issue. I have main collections and then sub-collections. Example main collection "TOPS" sub-collection "Sweaters". On each item I have linked the main collection "Top" and sub-collection "Sweater" for each item if it applies. When I go to my website and click on "TOP" it only drops down the sub-menu to show "Sweaters" and the other sub categories. And then when I select "sweaters" from the drop down menu, it is empty. I am not using any tags and I am entering everything manually. If you go to my collections, all items show in the collection correctly, but do not show on the website. All the items are published to all the sells channels as well. My goal was to click on the main collection and show all the items that apply and if the customer wants to narrow it down, they can by selecting the collection in the sub-menu. Why is this not working?
You will probably have to do what I said in my reply earlier. I think there is a glitch in Shopify where if you do all your set up first, then publish your product it doesnt connect properly and the items cannot be seen. If you do it the other way - publish the item, then add to the collections, it seems to be fine.
It happened to me, some of the items in the collection didn't show up on the website. I tried to created another collection dedicated to the ones aren't showing and it didn't even show on the website. What ended up works for me is that I add items into collection "manually" instead of automated! Hope it helps!
Thanks for all the advice on here - I've been gleaning from you all! I've been having a problem with products appearing then disappearing from collections. I found my solution today. Under each collection & the options for "Products must match:" I had checked "all conditions". I have now changed that to "any conditions" & all my products are now showing up. Before this, I also removed any tags I'd attached to the collections & this also solved my problem partially. But I needed to do both to get all my products showing in all the different collections. Hope this is helpful to someone!
Thankyou Booktides your suggestion worked for me.
I had the same issue. Turns out when I imported all the products, only some had the sales channel activated for online store. I had to go to each product and turn on the online store sales channel.
Hi everyone. I've been having this problem too.
I just figured out what my issue was.
I had not selected any sales channels for the products that were missing.
Click the product and click manage under 'sales channels and apps' then select online store.
I hope this might help someone who had the same problem as me. Might not be the right solution for everyone.
Had the same problem. Removing from the collection, saving, and then adding it back to the collection worked for me.
Had the same problem...This worked for me:
1) Go to Collections
2) Tick the box next to the relevant collection (left handside)
3) Select 'Actions'
4) Select 'Make collections available'
I was sure it already was available as indicated WITHIN the full collection menu, but this did the trick for me at least.
Anyone know when shopify is going to fix this issue? This just started happening for me recently. I unchecked the item in the collection, and unchecked my tag, then published, then checked all collections and tags again, then published again. Seems to be showing up in collection, but not my tag's. If i have to do this for every product i will be so unhappy with Shopify!! SHOPIFY PLEASE FIX THIS!!!
@Zhopzi wrote:Had the same problem...This worked for me:
1) Go to Collections
2) Tick the box next to the relevant collection (left handside)
3) Select 'Actions'
4) Select 'Make collections available'
I was sure it already was available as indicated WITHIN the full collection menu, but this did the trick for me at least.
@Zhopzi wrote:Had the same problem...This worked for me:
1) Go to Collections
2) Tick the box next to the relevant collection (left handside)
3) Select 'Actions'
4) Select 'Make collections available'
I was sure it already was available as indicated WITHIN the full collection menu, but this did the trick for me at least.
Thank you!!!!
I have a featured collection as well as a drop down. If I clicked on the collection image, my products showed up, but if I used the drop down method they did not. By following these steps provided my issue is resolved. It was making me crazy!
I had the same issue. But, what worked for me:
I hope this helps!
My items are not showing up under my collections on the website. When I click on the dropdowns, the product flashes up when then goes away and says "No product found in this collection" on the website. Is there something in the coding that is causing this issue. Help! Items are not showing on our website.
For those who may be stuck on this and have already done what was available in this thread. What you want to do is be sure that your products are added to your available sales channels. Go into products, select the products that are not showing up in your collections, and/or your site, go to "more actions" then click on "Add to available Channels". This is probably the fix you are looking for.
You legend!! THANKYOU!!
I cleared cache of my system and logged out of Shopify and re logged again. Then tried fiddling out with the filters and it started working for me....somehow each change need a refresh to reflect. If nothing else is working this will.
I have the same issue:
-I have created 3 products, 2 are already linked with a collection but 3rd one :there are no products in this collection.
I've tried to search in collection which I 've created, it says : there are no products in this collection, add or change conditions to add products..
-I've checked navigation/ menu item , there is only product which links with all products, also, I 've created in the navigation, the name of the collection I want to link.
I'd like to know how my product can appear in the collection ?
In the Collection page you decide how you are going to choose products for the collection - automatic or manual.
If it is an automatic collection then you must specify that it selects products by name, tag, price, etc. It must match exactly. ie the product must be tagged with the same tag as you have specified, or have the same text in the title, etc.
If it is a manual collection, you add those items individually yourself by searching for them in the browse drop down.
You must then ensure that your "collection" is added to your menu bar by going to your Sales Channels on the main menu, selecting "Navigation" > Main Menu then adding where you would like it to appear.
We use both Manual and Automatic for our collections - for instance something you have all the time would be an automatic collection ie. All bags. I use a Manual collection for New Arrivals - this means I just go to the Collection, add the items I would like in, and remove those no longer relevant. This is easier than tagging everything as New arrival, then having to remove the tag.
I hope this helps.
I found the issue. If your products aren't active, they won't show until they are. It may say "draft" but go to the product and make it active. Hope this helps.
What I found after an hour of searching is just go to individual products and change them from 'draft' to 'active'!
When your products are not showing up in your collections page I had the same problem until I realized the exact way the tags are worded makes a difference. For example, if you have a collection named Bath Towels. Your tags have to include the name of the collection in the same case, capital letters and lower case. If your tag states bath towels your product may not show up because it is not reading the name of the collection. Be accurate. I hope this helps someone. It worked for me.
I was having the same issue, even after I tried everything listed here. Some of the things listed I had already previously done. However, as I was looking at the product page I noticed the filter option was not set to all products. Once I changed the filter to all products the items showed up. Hopefully this helps someone.
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