Quick-add button brings up add-to-cart drawer, but I can't read info, color and size options

Quick-add button brings up add-to-cart drawer, but I can't read info, color and size options

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I am using the Broadcast theme. When I click "Quick Add" on a product, the site opens a drawer on the right side of the screen with the product and its variant options. However, I cannot read any information in the drawer, including the price or any "add now" buttons or product information; and while I can see the box-outlines for each variant, I cannot any text for the different variants -- e.g. I can't see the color name(s), or the sizes, only empty boxes where those should be.

I tried adjusting all of the different Color options in the configuration's settings. 


Does anybody have a solution for this?

Reply 1 (1)

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Here is a screenshot of the quick-add drawer, directly underneath the product image (image not shown, but it works fine). There should presumably be color variants and size variants in each of those boxes (this product happens to have 1 color, and 8 possible sizes). There should also be an add-to-cart and/or buy now button, yes?


Screenshot 2024-09-11 at 6.38.17 PM.png