"Phone number has already been taken." ISSUE

"Phone number has already been taken." ISSUE

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Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Staff
2550 460 419

Hey @haroonzia.
Thanks for reaching out. 
I appreciate that you have included a screenshot of the error you are receiving as that is helpful. Did you happen to create a previous Shopify store using the phone number? I am just trying to get a better understanding of the situation so I can assist you further. You could potentially skip the phone number as the field is Optional
Looking forward to your response.

Ollie | Social Care @ Shopify 
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2 0 0

Thank you for the response. Yes, I think I tried way back. How to reactivate the same account with the same phone number..?

I'll also try to login in without phone but I'll be needing to update the same phone number as this is my primary phone. 

Shopify Staff
2550 460 419

Hey @haroonzia.
Thanks for following up. 
If you suspect that you may have previously created a Shopify store, I would suggest attempting to Reset your forgotten password by navigating to our login page. You can type in the admin email address and select the option Forgot password
You can also update the store details by navigating to Settings > General. 
Let me know if that does the trick and if you have any questions. 

Ollie | Social Care @ Shopify 
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